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So last night in my rush to get exalted I had quite an enjoyable game.


We sent 3 people (1 warlock) to go undetected to the hordes base. Once there the lock summoned about 20 people inside their base while the other 20 defended Stonehearth. Once the relief hut was taken we had another 15 run into their base die and then rez at the hut. We left 5 back to annoy the horde and prevent rogue ninjaing of our spawn points.


Unfortunately the horde found out that we were in the their base (probably unsure of how) and we had quite a fight. After clearing alot of the npcs we realized we needed to take the towers. We took the west tower but didnt take the east tower. The horde always being coordinated finally launched a succesful 35 man charge on our graveyard and there wasnt much to be done.


I didnt stay much longer but we were fighting at stonehearth when i left. Overall though it was a ton of fun having 20 people show up out of nowhere in their base and get so close to ending the game without doing anything past stonehearth.

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