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Ok assuming we're getting giant pandas to play for the alliance I have the perfect racial stat to go with it. Now since all of our racial stats are pretty much useless compared to horde I think the panda should have a passive effect. Whenever the panda sees any horde it automatically shits itself and falls over dead. It's other racial stat is an offshoot of the find treasure that dwarves have. Find grey items! How great would that be, now you can detect whenever a mob has one of those highly coveted greys.

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Well jesus kills a kitten whenever you touch yourself, but that hasn't stopped you!

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We will not get pandorian for the race. Blizzard and our far east friends had a huge fit over it. That is why Blizzard made the announcement that when we see the new race we will all be shocked.


No one will be shocked by the pandorian race. However it was initially suppose to be pandorian, I have screenshots of them in game. But the chinese farmers thought that it would give them all away sionce none of them could resist making pandorian characters. So Blizzard (not officially but to the best of the not releasing both races at the same time thought process deduction I used) has scrapped pandorians

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Alliance racial abilities tend to be more defensive in nature... but c'mon.. perception is ftw against rogues... you can ask ravenheart how many times its allowed him to pwn horde rogues!

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I'd trade shadowmeld for perception any day...


If only to be able to drink for 5 seconds without being ambushed!

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We will not get pandorian for the race.  Blizzard and our far east friends had a huge fit over it.  That is why Blizzard made the announcement that when we see the new race we will all be shocked.


No one will be shocked by the pandorian race.  However it was initially suppose to be pandorian, I have screenshots of them in game.  But the chinese farmers thought that it would give them all away sionce none of them could resist making pandorian characters.  So Blizzard (not officially but to the best of the not releasing both races at the same time thought process deduction I used) has scrapped pandorians



wow I hope you're serious because that is hilarious lol

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