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Do we have a list or a forum where we keep everyone's points at so we know how many we have. Not a huge issue as I already know that from my 0 mc and 0 onyxia attempts I am sitting on 0... but I hope that someday in the future I might get a point or two and was wondering where to look to see what I have gathered.


*tips cap*

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It does exist, and it's in the members section of the forums. You'll still obtain FPP while on probation, but you will be unable to use it until you gain member status. Actually, I forgot about the recent change in policy where people in Probation are not allowed to obtain loot until reaching member status. Don't quote me on that, but I could have sworn I saw that on the forums somewhere. Anyways, when you obtain member status you'll be able to see your FPP, and if you're just curious before then, just ask and I'm sure someone can tell you.

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Yeah the rules stat that you can not use points until full member which is good actually.


And it is possible to get loot but only if all members pass and do not need the item which is still a complete plus for even a chance IMO.


And members really should get some point sup before going and rolling on everything over people that have been here and made MC possible for people like me to come along and enjoy helping out with.


Thanks for the info.

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oh was it per week. I did miss that one but still no worries. not greedy ... just a lil needy... Oh muh gosh, I'm a poet and I didn't know it... laugh.gif yeah sorry couldn't help myself

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One more question about the points... Maybe I am missing it...


If you are called into the raid but did not start it... does that earn you a point for filling in a void or count as being on time?

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You do not get the on time bonus (one point) being you weren't there when the raid started.


You do get points for the bosses dropped, however.

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  Bentley said:
One more question about the points... Maybe I am missing it...


If you are called into the raid but did not start it... does that earn you a point for filling in a void or count as being on time?


Not currently, no.


*edit....what Stang said ^^

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for clarification its the bosses you are present for killing, and not bosses that have been dropped before the substitution. unless of course im wrong, which rarely happens

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Raid points are tallied at the time of the kill. This is of course, unless you were asked to sit out, then you get the "thanks for being a champ" consideration. Lately, though, we haven't had to do that. I think we have raid composition down now.


So, Teah is right. You only get points for the bosses that you're present for.

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  Gynis said:
Raid points are tallied at the time of the kill. This is of course, unless you were asked to sit out, then you get the \"thanks for being a champ\" consideration. Lately, though, we haven't had to do that. I think we have raid composition down now.  


So, Teah is right. You only get points for the bosses that you're present for.


If you give up your spot in order to accomodate class composition for the success of the raid (for example, to allow one more warlock for Garr) you will receive credit for the boss' spot you sit out on, and the next boss after that (should there be one). This is ONLY if you remove yourself from the raid for class composition needs at the raid leaders request. If you have to leave because the FBI finally found you, you will not recieve points for missed bosses.

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  Joesf said:
  Gynis said:
Raid points are tallied at the time of the kill. This is of course, unless you were asked to sit out, then you get the \"thanks for being a champ\" consideration. Lately, though, we haven't had to do that. I think we have raid composition down now.  


So, Teah is right. You only get points for the bosses that you're present for.


If you give up your spot in order to accomodate class composition for the success of the raid (for example, to allow one more warlock for Garr) you will receive credit for the boss' spot you sit out on, and the next boss after that (should there be one). This is ONLY if you remove yourself from the raid for class composition needs at the raid leaders request. If you have to leave because the FBI finally found you, you will not recieve points for missed bosses.


this however would be an example of the person who is on their way out, not the person on their way in, which we apparently do not have on paper after reviewing official policy. TPS report filed. GYNIS GET ON IT!!11

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It's already in effect, pinko.


If we ask a rogue to move out so a warlock can move in, both the rogue and the warlock get points for the kill. But, it's at the raid leaders discretion, and if that's the case, it's documented. So far, I can't think of a case where we've had to use this rule, however. All of our warlocks show up for Garr. tongue.gif

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That was a copy paste quote from the Points Rules post. If you read it the person who is getting sacrificed for a different class is suppsed to also get points for the boss after also.

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