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Did someone piss Program off. He used to be in the guild and I know he doesn't play that much. I didn't even know he wasn't in the guild anymore. Anyone know the where abouts and/or feelings of Program.



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I think it would be wise for all of us to simply forget about Program. I'll let someone who has more authority on the subject say more if he/she likes.

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Did someone piss Program off.  He used to be in the guild and I know he doesn't play that much.  I didn't even know he wasn't in the guild anymore.  Anyone know the where abouts and/or feelings of Program.




Program is my brother (in blood alone). We haven't talked for a while now, and two weeks ago, after consulting officer chat I gave him a boot from the guild. This was based on two things. 1) He is a problematic player who causes problems within parties and generally over reacts making FP as a whole look bad, and 2) I down right hate him. Program was going to form another guild with a few of his real life friends because he felt that it was a major slight for him not to be made an officer while me and alectrona were officers. Program felt that I booted him from the guild because I'm power hungry and I'm trying to climb to the top of the ladder so I can use and manipulate people. I feel that my declining of the new officer position shoop offered me is a pretty clear cut sign that program's logic is absolutely fuckin' bananas (not that it would be proven true had I accepted the position anyway)


Program is angry with the guild because he can't understand how the moment he was booted everyone didn't flip out at me and boot me and reinvite him. This again is coming from someone who rarely played and can't believe he wasn't an officer.


Program will bitch and moan about it from time to time, and may even pull a mange and spit on a few of our members or something similarly immature. My best advice is to ignore him. That's what I've chosen to do in all avenues of relation with him.


There are a lot of reasons why I don't talk or want to know anything about program, but I'd rather not discuss them any further, thank you.

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Im glad you posted about this Win. This way we know the reasons, and (if he tries) he wont sway anyones opinoin of you by lying. Im sure everyone in the guild trusts your judgement, and respects your decision.


I was the one that got him invited into MoM, I had a good time grouping with him, but I've heard from other players, from time to time, that he was rude, and just not that fun to group with. I don't believe we want or need rude or disrespectful players in FP.

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Does this mean I'm getting the boot?!


wait.. you're still in our guild?

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I think Barbados pulled a "hey we killed my boss so ... I'm hearthing and logging" type of deal

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  • 1 month later...




dome dumbass named merciless a 49 rogue chose at 4 am to call me mother aa few choice names , i coudlnt get a guild or a who this alt is but somewhere down line my mother must have hit him with a car or a grocery cart or somethig to have him say all those wonderful names... as the days unfold ill find out more info on this creativly speaking indvidual at 4 a m....



skee is a investivgating reporter be back at 11

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Invisibility, the whole lot of them. No joke, the mages dont sheep, or when they do, their rogues break them. No one kills the summoners but me, or the wyrmkin, i seriously was soloing one, right after the beast, while the whole effing raid was attacking the melee one. guess who died in 2 1400 fire crits. but yea, invisibility recieves the follow


[big Bad Blacklisted Stamp of Shame] inked in Pik's (the worst of them all) blood..........

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Pik wanted to join FP... we didn't even let him apply rofl.

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Errr... I know this is a great post and all... but in the new spirit of organization can we put all the people/groups on the first post, or create a new thread like that?

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Me, again?! Fine, fine.




Completed, and Alphebetized FTW! If someone could toss me the original shitlist (I can't seem to find it/them) I can extend this one.

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go ahead and throw Dominick in there... he's a 13 year old who doesn't know english (i used the word clout... he told me to learn to type) and insults everyone. He was denied membership to FP.

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I'd like to add a guy, I forget what his name was, I think it was an H followed up by a vowel. Well, he sat on my Cannonball Runner, and broke it! I can't belive someone would do such a thing! *runs off crying*






Seriously though, I'm glad it's been a while since anyone's had an experience negative enough to warrant a post on this topic. It seems like there used to be a new name every day or so, and we've gone through a good two or three of these topics. Anyway, continued luck to all!

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Invisibility sad.gif

I had a run with them...

One of their rogues started ubrs with mace/sword. He won Sacred Charge over me. Then switched back to his daggers for the rest of the run...

He had all the right to roll on this sword. I just didn't appreciate the role play



Bracers of Valor dropped. It was rolled on and a guy of their guild won it. He preempted a right to buy and took them "for the guild". I spoke to the guy who had won to see if he had agreed on that and he hadn't. Poor guy had just joined them and didn't dare to complain

I asked Pik how he could force a 5g right to buy on a 20 gold BoE item and he gave me a sample of his best cuss words

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On the note of invisibility, there is a warlock there who i will vouch for, Summiticious, he might have just joined not too long ago, but ive been trying to get him into FP. Im not so sure of his talent as a lock, but he is the kind of person we would like to have in FP.

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never group with Arafelz, he ninja'd a righteous orb during a 5 man strat run![/img]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a few horde for the list, more or less anyone fromthe guild southern gentleman is a KoS on my list. and IF you ever see a warrior named MorPork Kos his ass, Ive been running into him from the beginning of the game. making my life a living hell on scrapes and my alt Edan.


As for alliance, I just had a horrible gnome warlock the other day but I can not think of his name, when I do I'll edit and add heh

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Just an undate on invisibility, Pik went away from the game for like a week, and all of invisibility left while he was away. I couldnt stop laughing when i found this out, he is now in axiom.

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