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*original post*

You got ganked . . . now get even!


Post the name of your favorite horde to see thier corpse littering the fields of Azeroth.


This will be the KoS list for any and all people who defy the might of FP! I'll continue to add names from posts to the bottom of this list, so we can keep it at the top, print it out, sniff the ink, and go hunting!



/w Arty we still have some "might" stocked up in the back room beneath the paper towels, right?

*end original post*


List Horde and Alliance people here that should be ignored/ganked by the rest of the guild.


Since Gyn is a lazy bastard, I, Siegeman will try to keep it updated. tongue.gif






Blunt Logic


Southern Gentlemen



Grit - Tauren Druid

Ghostshell - Undead Rogue

MorPork - Warrior

Todesengal - 60 Tauren hunter




Righteous Avengers



Aleximadius - Pally



Bloodyminion - Warrior


Casualties - Paladin


Cherbooze - Vindicative

Cubix - Gnome Rogue

Darkbutcher - ANBU

Darkprayer - Godslayer - Priest

Delax - Warrior


Dreamscar - Hunter - Guardians of Light

Edain - Tainted - Priest

Firelock - Vindicative

Grimattacker - T H E A D D I C T E D

Haon - Priest


ImmortalUnit - Warrior

Kaleth - Sacred Legacy - Rogue

Kidicarus - Gnome Warlock


Lukieboi - Paladin - Sacred Legacy

Merciless - Rogue



Pacemakers - Warrior




Sanday - Human Mage

Satisfied - NE Rogue - The Dark Shadow Council

Sond - nightelf rogue



Thoor - 60 Warrior

Tioaken - Rogue


Wind Weaver - NE Priest

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lol! ... arty maybe you can transcribe your compiled list here?

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Lol...was it too much trouble to copy & paste it for him?




And apparently Gynis and yourself are in agreement with me there :-P


I might try to just move the post later though.

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oh yeah, and I want arty to be able to edit it :-P


Alliance: Lancoo


Offense: Repeated Ninja Loot Offender (doesn't speak english, or so we think, ninja'd on a raid I was on, and tried to deny/hide it, also another incident posted on the SC forums)


Advice: NEVER group with this character.

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/w Arty we still have some \"might\" stocked up in the back room beneath the paper towels, right?



uhm.... I have absolutely zero idea what you just said to me....

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/w Arty we still have some \"might\" stocked up in the back room beneath the paper towels, right?



uhm.... I have absolutely zero idea what you just said to me....


Tis a joke. =D , since might (in this sence) is a concept you can't store it physically.

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Haon -- 2nd worst and 1st most annoying priest I have ever encountered... needless to say I've encountered a lot of priests

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I dont know if any of you know her (this is alliance).

WindWeaver , she's a NE 60 priest.

Oh heaven sent us a saint here.

She for some reason loves too tell people how too use their own abilities... and when... and what too look for so you know when too use them.. very much loves to tell you the obvious. Complains... oh the complaining... and just a hint of garlic... I dont know why.

Another alliance - Velundrfan... me Rave and Xin exprienced this winner.


But on the Horde side - Sandaar orc shaman. Was in gadgetzan and was killing Alliance... when Alliance defended ,the gaurds attacked Alliance, if anyone knows why this happends, please tell me.


I love butchering grammar.

Its sad the fact my shitlist for Alliance is longer than my Shitlist for Horde.

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Orc Shamans and Orc hunters. Spare no mercy. Anytime I see one, they are ganking me.


Tauren hunter\shamans aren't as bad, just the Orc ones are ALWAYS beotches.

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Man, as i said before, you might not be able to feed a family with one orc, but you sure as hell can feed a family of four with a family of four orcs. Honestly, I wish they had the favored enemy ability in this game from NwN. It was something insane like +10% to str or int depending on your class. You only got it when you hit the cap, but let me tell you, there was no orc safe from my Bastard Sword of the Vampire. mmmm, never ever had to heal with that bad boy.

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Dreamscar 60 hunter from Guardians of Light (I think)


pretty much just a bitch... also might have assisted in ninja loot (guildy Halonis left the raid and was reinvited a couple seconds later... the only reason to do this is to loot something such that no one can see what you looted)

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When your drunk haze clears off Joe laugh.gif , you'll remember she was in the old guild before the BOOT of 04

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When your drunk haze clears off Joe  :lol: , you'll remember she was in the old guild before the BOOT of 04


Ahhh yes! The jack and coke late night is just now wearing off.



Go out and have a good night of partying without alcohol you simply have a good night. Go out partying with alcohol and you enjoy the night the rest of the week. (As in your memories of the night come back to you throughout the week)


Damnit, I wish I could remember exactly how that phrase goes. Someone at the bar told it to me, but I was distracted while they were saying it. I bet when I have a few drinks it'll come back to me.

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she was in the old guild before the BOOT of 04


lol good stuff

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I still see her around time too time, never says anything too me. Luckily I never grouped with her. *Side-Note* Next group Im in, she'll be in there, Im willing to bet that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ghostshell 60 UD rouge.


This little #@$!er was in gadget trying to gank peps, lower lvl of course, so we fought, and the lucky SOB was able to get away w/ 1%-3% of health twice. So afer using everything I had, he killed me on round 3, then corpse camped me for 20 min.


It's juevinilies like this that are permanently KOS :evil:

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Well there's atleast one more alliance member too add to the list, maybe two. Ill let Win add them, mostly because I dont remember the names well, and I'd hate too misspell them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kidicarus, gnomish [warlock] alliance side




this idiot, will SS a druid over a pally, pull when the tank [me] is the designated puller, and will bitch, moan, and cause an overall terrible time

think 3 wipes on non bosses........................


do not group with this loser.



* yea, so i confuse the two, sue me

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