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As you are a walkin, do you:


A. Strut you stuff?




B. Hide behind trees?



If A. Do you strut your stuff because:


C. Your so strung out?




D. your actually tripping over your two feet because your trying to chew gum and walk at the same time?


If B. Do you hide behind trees because:


E. Your playing with squirrels?




F. Your afraid of your shadow?





These are all very very important questions that NEED an answer to. They tell everything about the meaning of life, think hard.


(sorry, this download for the patch is taking far to long for me to bare)


Gryph, you MUST answer these all important questions btw



Amitesh~~ prettyboi

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I hide behind the trees in the hopes that the horde MS wtfpwned gg mage lolzor warriors won't notice me, or possibly bug when charging. It's a longshot, but I think if arcane missiles and blink can bug, surely charge/intercept can?

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i dont even walk i spend most of my time in my electric wheelchair scowling menacingly at little children as i roll down the sidewalk

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I strut my stuff because I want the horde to attack me and watch as I get away while they are powerless to kill me, until their 5 friends walk around the corner and WTFPwn me. But hey I just respecced Holy from playing shadow for over a year. How else can I get good practice healing....

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