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Hey guys just thought i would introduce my self. My name is Carl aka Dinias in game 60 Lock.. smile.gif Been playin WoW for a while now took a short break but im back and prepared for some owning! Some of you I know.. A lot of you i don't know but I do know if anyone needs help with anything or needs an extra lock in a group /tell Dinias smile.gif Ill be ur man. Welllp just figured id say hello.. (wow ... first thing that poped in my head when i said welp.... ONYXIA!? hehe anyone else have this happen?) smile.gif




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I'm Joesf (Joe)


If something strange goes wrong it usually my fault. The next onyxia run, I'm only allowed to use a shovel, but its enchanted.

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whelps! run! heal vanin! ... oh wait... oh... phew... wait.. damn you dinias! I mean.. welcome to the FP dramahou..I mean... forums biggrin.gif

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Whelps? Group 7 should take care of 'em... oh man, why isn't the pally keeping the mage alive? Damn, the mage is dead, looks like they're beating on the rogue...now the warrior...goodby mr. priest.... oh crap! I'M in group 7! :shock:


I mean...welcome to the..ummm...forum?

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haha! good stuff ya ive watched Retsnimle doing Onyxia with you guys smile.gif looks like you guys have it set up pretty well! cant wait till i can join the fun smile.gif (if i make it in ofcourse) smile.gif

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Hey Dinias! Its always nice to see new faces biggrin.gif I hope you have a lot of fun with us. Welcome!!

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Im in group 8 and I take care of the whelps...


I also take care of training them to you after the battle... so look for a portal.. FAST!

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