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I noted that all ur parties are south of the border, and i wont stand for it!!! lol tongue.gif


also i kno theres atleast 20 canadians in FP; so i thought i'd start up the idea of having our own christmas party up here (i assume most of us are in or around the Toronto area, atleast thats wut ive heard)


post ideas! pretend canadians are as friendly as them americans think!


canada ftw biggrin.gif

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pretend canadians are as friendly as them americans think!


That's not what we're thinking of you northerners ohmy.gif

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(i assume most of us are in or around the Toronto area, atleast thats wut ive heard)  


canada ftw biggrin.gif


Typical of someone from Toronto - "all of Canada is around Toronto and there is nothing East of Ontario" laugh.gif

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I would dig this... the thing is I cant get out of town for the holidays.. and I am sure Mr Paperbag head and his brother wouldnt get out of their houses to do something like this.. so for the Newfoundland part of canada you are getting one big NO tongue.gif

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Where should we meet up? I'm in Brampton and I go to school in downtown Tdot anyway.

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To adress wut arty said, i was in the mid of first period and didnt have time to type wut i meant, i MEANT to say that i hadnt heard ne1 say they were canadian but didnt live in or around TO, so i assumed that we just didnt have ne maritimers or westerners; i actually have alot of meritimer friends tongue.gif

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Toronto and Canada are two seperate countries.


LOL I like that...


Enviro Canada said it should be a very cold winter with little snow, you guys probably won't have to the army this year to dig you out smile.gif


TO will NEVER live that down...that was just TOO funny when it happened.

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what? does toronto think its quebec now or something? different countries? pfft! lets have a vote to see if they will cut toronto out of canada and like throw it..hmm......where to throw it....hell lets just destroy it! =D haha im soooooooooooo kidding! <3 Toronto! smile.gif (<3 montreal more tho)


i live 3 hours away from Toronto btw =/

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Should we get the old Aeternum guys to come to this too? Majority of them were Canadian. I can get in touch with Raziquel, Natedog, and Aldarion if we want.


BTW Whispera: Tabernac.

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haha, just so u dont all think that ALL toronto ppl are that dumb; MOST of us were laughing ourselves wen the mayor called in the national gaurd tongue.gif


personally i thought it was funny as hell, i'd b walking to school as if it was a normal day and this tank would drive by... lol!


neways back on topic.... if the majority of canadians in FP are not from in/around TO plz say so; its not like us "wana b new yorkers" dont respect the rest of canada biggrin.gif


btw do u guys actually call us that? cuz if u do it is sooo true; except we do it better than newyork cuz we have less traffic and waay less crime.. also we dont all suffer from some kind of sleeping disorder smile.gif

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I want to party.... but I live in Orlando..... last party I had in canada was..... in toronto, at the Brass Rail... /drool....... oo the times and the $$$ I spent there, SOoOoOoOo fun :-)


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To adress wut  arty said, i was in the mid of first period


krotas had a period during his typing of the message 0_o.... and worse thing is krotas is a guy. It was his first period and hopefully his last smile.gif

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