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hey guys, its ald, long time no see, just dropping by to see how everyone is, im doin pretty good, skool sux, my hunter is in vindictive and has currently killed 2/4 demons for his epic weapons and my shaman on dark iron just hit 60. unfortunately i had to take a break bout mid november to focus on skool but i will be back on the 16th of december, my last exam.


/wave akira, stang, heliacon, amitesh, xinia (grats on ur baby, shes UbEr cute biggrin.gif), metatron and everyone else i forgot

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OMG *faints* Its one of my old guildies...GM of all things woot...how r things...glad to see ur still scrolling around and visiting...Having a great time here w/ FP they are awesome......Thanks again for all ur help!

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GM? guild master or game master? either of i am neither, maybe i was promoted to GM b4 i left aeternum for vindictive *shrugs* glad to see ur having fun, i'll be back soon, 11 days and counting

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