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Welcome to the latest addition to our FP Government! The long awaited, and somewhat overdue Class Leadership Position. As some of you may have noticed, a few new councilors were added a few days ago, and the reason was to fill this role.


As such, we now have a point person of each class to handle class related issues. See the list, find out who you need to go to if you're having class problems, think that you need to recruit more of your friends and the like.


They will ultimately be the last word on things like recruitment, promotions, demotions, guild removal, and incidental issues (aside of course from the occassional IMMEDIATE need for such actions). If you have a Rogue friend who really wants to join FP, have them look up the rogue class leader. If you were partied with a probie who was AWFUL (attitude more than skill level) tell that Probie's class leader. Likewise, if you partied with a probie who was LEETSAUCE, tell that person's class leader.


Who we will use as the class leader:


Druid: Hykos

Warrior: Vanin

Priest: Erlin

Paladin: Kaslor

Warlock: Readyakira

Mage: Stricnyne

Rogue: Miroku

Hunter: Garnok


Keep this list as your guide if you are the forgetful type.


Class leaders share the same rank as Councilors and Councilors will still retain their rights to act in the best interest of the guild. As in, you mouth off in /gu, any councilor can urge you to stop without consulting your class leader, if he/she isn't online.


The idea behind this is to help us organize the leadership a little and help keep certain people focussed on specific areas without getting too wrapped up in others.


As always, all councilors, whether they bear the class leadership role or not, are part of what build FP and help field the concerns of the members. Should your specific class leader not be online in a time of need for you, you are always welcome to get in touch with any councilor that doesn't have his tells turned off. tongue.gif



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isn't teh felz leaving teh game?? =(

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Yep. And Siegeman has handed CL of Pallies over to Kaslor.


We'll update posts and sections of the web over the next few days.

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