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Upcoming Raid Reset Changes...

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In 1.9, the way raid timers are handled will undergo a significant change. The new system will have all instances reset at a certain server time, regardless of when you were actually saved to the instance. The reset times are as follows:



Molten Core: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance.  


Blackwing Lair: Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance  


Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (40-man): Every 7 Days, resetting during weekly maintenance  


Onyxia: Every 5 Days  


Zul'Gurub: Every 3 Days  


Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (20-man): Every 3 Days


The resets, if not during weekly maintenance, are planned to occur during off-hours when the least amount of raids are active. We plan on implementing a calendar of sorts on the website to help you better plan out your particular raid schedule. There are many reasons why this particular approach was chosen; we've gone over a multitude of options and felt that this change would be best in the long run.  


As the reset time approaches (<24 hours til the reset, I believe), if you are in the instance, you will be informed of the impending reset every hour on the hour. 15 minutes before the reset, the reminders become more frequent; once the reset time is reached, all players in the instance will be ported to their bind point. You can access your saved raid status at any time via /raidinfo, and you will be informed of your status regarding an instance when you zone into the dungeon.  


We know that this change is a major one for raiding guilds; we've done our utmost to make the reset times as convenient as possible for the majority of our players. All saved instances will be reset when 1.9 goes live to accommodate this change.  

That's from the WoW Forums, in case you haven't seen it yet...

I've no real issues with it, I guess other than we may see a flux of MC etc starting on Tues/Weds (not much different than now smile.gif )

Anyways....my thought here is this:

Just before they implement 1.9 (which should be soon) we have the opportunity to do all of MC twice that week IF we keep on the same schedule we have now (starting on Sunday)

Sunday - we do first 6

Monday - we do last 3 +Rag attempts

Tues morning it gets reset....

Tues/Weds - we start again..

Since we're down to 2 nights +Rag attempts on this anyways it might be a good plan assuming 1.9 comes out fairly soon.



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not that big of a change then what it normally was, just now you are being forced to start early on mc rather then start the day that you would like. Easier to programm for blizzard is what it comes down to , and less lag i guess sad.gif)

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While it is possible... That much MC can really take a toll on our family time. I know I'd be in the dog house if I did that much MC.

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While it is possible... That much MC can really take a toll on our family time.  I know I'd be in the dog house if I did that much MC.

True enough but it would be a one time event...and effectively give us 2 shots @ Rag in 1 week.

We'll all just have to build up some brownie points for this event if it comes to pass?? hehe

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To back up gryph,


The councilors have known this for a couple weeks now and are working up a schedule that can accomodate the guild to the best of our abilities. Once the patch is released we'll have the new setup for you. Remember that we are looking to do what is best for all of our members, the casual players and the ones that play every night.

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To help clarify. Some of the reset times are not decided yet and we are still waiting on Blizzard to release their calendar. with the calendar we will have all the reset times for the five day and three day resets. So, don't yell at us if we haven't figured out those dates right on patch day.


To be continued . . .

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Bloody murder!


yeah /agree


blizzard making it hard on us once again.

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There are still way worse spots to be than that dog house though...



and where are the other spots be, Bramas?




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