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Beorn's Adventure to the Test Server


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Well i decided to copy my character to the test server since quite a bit is being added this patch. After i logged in I respec'd to arms/fury and had a blast owning in AB although the server was quite laggy.


One thing interesting I noticed is the addition of "Deserter" in battlegrounds or atleast AB. If you leave the match before it ends you get a debuff that doesnt allow you back in battlegrounds for 15 minutes. This may help our alliance pugs but who knows.


Most of the new graphics turned out pretty good and I actually didnt mind wrath as much once i saw it in game.


Beorn in Wrath


I then proceeded to head out to Silithus followed by a chain of people.


Obviously i went to check out AQ the new upcoming dungeon. Just inside the main gate you pick up the class quests for 3 pieces. The warrior set includes a dps cape (blue) a dps ring (blue) and a one handed axe.


I forgot to use my dream potions but here are a couple shots of the first lil bit of the 20 and 40 man instances.


40 man AQ 1

40 man AQ 2

20 man AQ


Perhaps the coolest thing is the mount from AQ.

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Nice shots Beorn! biggrin.gif


From my time on the server I found out that from the armour actually seeing it in game Judgement, Wrath (as compared to concepts), Netherwind, and Transcendance were done beautifully, didn't get any screens other than some Judgement though.

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Alright i went back and did a little more exploring with dream potions. The 40 man seems to be setup like BWL in that you have to kill the first boss to get to the next one so i wasnt able to find anything else.


After passing a scorpion boss I found this boss. That was as far as i got when the potion ran out but this place is big. With MC BWL Onyxia ZG and battlegrounds idk how we are going to fit this in if we decide to =/

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I thought all of the outside was 20 man and the inside was 40. That's what they originally said at least.

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dude... for some reason that mount looks so friggin awesome!!


god all this new content... i'm gonna be so confused when it comes out.

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I thought all of the outside was 20 man and the inside was 40. That's what they originally said at least.


once you enter the main gate the portal for the 20 man is to the left and portal for the 40 man is to the right

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I posted a similar thing.. in the screenshot forums.


(You know, that place where screenshots like these go)





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i read somewhere that you have to complete the 20 man before instances, then do some world quests even before you can even enter the 40 man instance. Honestly, I'd be more interested in this kind of story line thing than BWL, its all nefarian, who wanted to take over azeroth, but this seems to have more significance. Wonder how hard it will be?

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I'm pretty sure one of the 4 pieces comes from Broodlord (3rd BWL boss), another one comes from the Bronze dragonflight (you started out hated with them, so who knows...probably have to kill one), and I'm not sure where the other two come from (although I wouldn't be surprised if Chronos or whatever that gnome dragon's name is had something to do with it).

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