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I agree Stang BUT... we need to be doing Rag twice an instance. If we do Gole/Domo/Rag on the second day we still have the third day that's just domo/rag.


The way the schedule goes from Thanksgiving to New Years we can squeeze in three rotations, giving us as many as 6 days to do serious attempts.

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Now that that's out of the way, what do I get for christmas?  Chopped liver? =D


Ya we did! Remember them 5 wipes that one day? =P then he despawned. =( /cry


I hope you aren't seriously calling that an attempt? I stand firmly by my statement.

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Now I hate to be a downer, but the only way we are going to get \"there\" is to actually show up.  


I was really disappointed with this weekend's turn out.  Why are so many people not interested in the Rag battle?  Is it because there is no guaranteed loot?  It is because the repair bills will be too high?  


I'd like to know why we are overflowing with people for every part of MC except Rag.  If we understand the problems and hangups people are experiencing we can try to find a solution.


I agree it was a disapointment that we didn't have enough people. I even cut my work at my dad's short to make it fashonably late to MC to find we cancelled it. I would have been more then happy farming trash mobs because as everyone knows I want us to have the gear, and I would like to see it soon so we can down rag AND vael.


I also agree that raid makeup needs to be adjusted for the rag fight. I have talked to a few that have taken rag down and they seem to take alot or FR geared rogues to that battle. I would even be willing to step out of the raid if nessecary to see the guild get another class in there to increase possibilities of taking him down. Of course I wouldn't want to step out each time. From what I have been able to research FR gear seems to be most important for the melee classes. High DPS is a must because 2 spawns of the children almost ensure a wipe.


Even at though I am not sure we are completely ready for Rag yet(although very very close) I would still be willing to come farm trash mobs if only to help the progression of the guild. As for BRD everyone knows it is my favorite instance (DIO FTW!!!) and I am willing to help run it whenever I am not already obligated to helping someone else out.


Whether or not we are ready for these battles is regardless. We had a problem with people signed up showing up and that is depressing. FP is strong enough to easily overcome this and I would be willing to bet there was more RL issues then not wanting to go.

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Personally, I believe that part of our problem lies in the days thta we attempt Rag. Sundays just seem bad, mostly due to the fact that it is a catch up day for work for most people, and that many of us have to wake up early the next day(monday). I would like to see these Rag attempts put into our more mainstream rotation, such as Saturday, instead of Onyxia. Onyxia to me seems better suited to Sundays due to the fact that it is unbelievably short, and we down her first try almost every time now. It would allow people to log on for 1hr on Sunday night, drop the silly dragon, then go back to their RL business. Saturday just allows for more WoW time for most people, and at the stage we are with Rag, we need all the time that we can get.


Just a thought smile.gif

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I have my own FP thread?!?!?1?!?1







hehe yup


As you can see, you're FTW smile.gif

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So it seems o.O


On eminents forums i am the guy who has posted way too much. They prefer it when I stay in the realm forums updating progression all day.


And the INSTANT they kill a boss, I have a tell from everyone in the guild to update it >.<

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zomg horde on our forums!!!!


Kill em!!!1!


oh, what's that stang. You say he's welcome here?! Umm.. well... sigh. I guess. Ok guys, put down the pitchforks.


*sound of groans from the mob of alliance in the background ready to kill the horde*

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We shouldnt compare ourselves to other guilds... we could come up with all the reasons why we hvnt downed rag yet but fact remains... he's still alive and kicking on our list.


Personally... i see nothin wrong with how we runs things now... apart from the fact that i cant make 3pm EST runs or anything similiar and the occasional RL commitment i make... i see each raid as an opportunity to experience high-end content which is good enough for me.


However... we're lacking right now when it comes to serious attempts which tends to be a common problem among high-end guilds... maybe we need to try another angle like some kinda incentive (fpp for serious attempts) or impose stricter rules but this would compromise a lot of what FP stands for.

I reckon we should make guild focuses and make it clear to the guild... that this is what we want to accomplish... .


Right now we've kinda established 2 guild focuses.. downing vael for gar (=P) and rag before x-mas... i reckon both are reasonable goals... we just need the people to show!

If we can down vael... then there's absolutely no reason why we wouldnt be able to down rag on a serious attempt... even tho the events are very different they both rely on 2 major things - high dps and high FR.

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I'm telling ya, Sunday Rag attempts FTL and Saturday Rag attempts FTW!

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I'm telling ya, Sunday Rag attempts FTL and Saturday Rag attempts FTW!


Saturday AND Sunday ^^


And where the heel is shoop in AB these days...

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We do Rag attempts whenever we are able. It isn't just Sunday's and even when it is... it is from 3 to 7 about... which last time i checked isn't late night.

Yes we could cut it down to 5 priests, 4 druids and probably 4 pallies to squeak more dps in there, but they have to be geared and from what I can tell from the majority of the guild... it has been a lot of talk about equipment but not a lot of people getting it unfortunately.


Like shoop I don't think we have put a serious attempt yet where the same 40 people stay for the 2 hours Rag is spawned and we aren't down after wipes for 10 min.



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So we have friendly horde now? Does this mean I'm going to watch who I'm ganking? /cry


And about the Rag fight...


I'm more than willing to put the time/energy into as many Rag attempts as you can throw at me, given I'm not working. It would be great if we could get on some sort of 'normal' schedule, I could craft my hours at work around the times we're supposed to be raiding to ensure I could make every attempt. I'm thinking with the 1.9 comming (hopefully) soon this will become a reality. I can't imagine how wonderful it would be to be there to drop Mr. Rag for the first time.


Back to the horde...

if FP is FTMFW

and Xanthium if FTMFW

Does that mean Xanthium = FP?

In which case... he's gotta reroll Alliance.

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Back to the horde...  

if FP is FTMFW  

and Xanthium if FTMFW  

Does that mean Xanthium = FP?  

In which case... he's gotta reroll Alliance.


There was actually quite a while when i was seriously considering rerolling alliance on this server. But alas, i cannot play anything but a troll mage... so no luck there =/


And by ALL means, please, if you see my around, gank me. everyone loves some world pvp. I will not however, be held responsible for the consequences of attacking me ^^;;

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Hmm... maybe I'll wave first, make sure you're paying attention. Famous people don't jump Mages when they're out of mana... wait... yes we do... but I'll make sure you're ready for me =)

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ZOMG Xan you found us!


Well, I guess you do have our link on the Forums..... but still. ZOMG!!


We're working on Raggy, we havent started any guild provided fire pot runs yet though, trying to get him to


Xan you are definatley FTMFW AND! you should just reroll a gnome girl mage with pink pig tails. That, is definatly, ftw as well.



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Troll -> Gnome... hrmmmm a tempting proposition... but with deciding to go affirmative action on the troll racials, i cant do that. and i <3 my SoD wayyy too much.


Anyways, def. get to beatig rag around that place!! i need to bold his ass for you guys!

And acually, in order to gert here this morning, i did go to my thread and click the link, so they proved useful.

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good to see great leaders recognizing our tiny guild.


PS All I can say about Rag is show up and do your job. Bring anything you can so you can do your job better without dieing in the process.


Lets get in the mindset we are going to down Rag. The fight is stage two of Onyxia, but Uberfied, so blast the hell out of him and take out the whelplings (sons) as fast as we can.


We breezed through MC and we were serious about killing bosses than, but now we aren't attempting Rag seriously? Does this make sense to anyone? What are you in MC for?


/think about it

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But Xan is still Ftw


Well duh! BTW Xan, I hope to see you in AB sometime. Hopefully I can have the privelage of 2 shotting you tongue.gif






P.S I'm a hunter

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I know that Xan tried to gank me once in Blackrock Mountain. I jumped off the cliff into the lava rather than giving him the satisfaction (:

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