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Haha... thats cool!


I'm just curious tho... how did this come to pass?


I mean i know we're /famous and all even with the horde but wow... this is big!!

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Where did this all start anyway? I've seen the "FP is /famous" thing mentioned on other guilds forums too.

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/famous started when Tavarik ganked some lowbie in Feralas. The lowbie posted about it in the Skullcrusher forums. Then, all the FP people wrote back saying OMG We're Famous! then it evolved into /famous


Far as FPFTMFW, that started before me, but its pretty evident why it happend, cause its true.

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I am the originator of FPFTMFSMASHINGW


for some reason it hasn't caught on sad.gif

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they dropped Rag and Hakkar and Onyxia for the 1st time about 3 weeks ago. Major Gratz to them and Xarcostus 8)

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yea...serious grats to Vehement/Heilel/Xar for dropping Rag. We'll be there soon smile.gif

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Now I hate to be a downer, but the only way we are going to get "there" is to actually show up.


I was really disappointed with this weekend's turn out. Why are so many people not interested in the Rag battle? Is it because there is no guaranteed loot? It is because the repair bills will be too high?


I'd like to know why we are overflowing with people for every part of MC except Rag. If we understand the problems and hangups people are experiencing we can try to find a solution.

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Ok, I'll Start Gryph.


First of all I will be there whenever I can. This last weekend ended up being too much gaming on Sat which equaled more time for Luc on Sun. It just had to be done.


Now for Rag, I personally feel we needs a bit more gear to take him on. More FR gear for melee which means we need more Cores from MC. For casters and ranged people I think more MC gear will help us out. I think in about a month we will be more properly geared for Rag.


We are on 2 of the hardest bosses in the game on the moment, Rag and Vael. We will be taking them down sooner than later, there is no doubt in my mind about that. After all we are FP and we are famous.


I think this new reset for MC that Blizzard has put in will also help our cause. I would say we start MC on either Wed or Fri, and alternate which one we start it on every week. This starting day will be from Luci to Shazz. If on a Wed we don't get to Shazz then that is what we use Fri for. Now that leaves us both Sat and Sun to schedule another run. We take out 3 more bosses so there is some loot on those day and it gets us warmed up a little before tackling Rag.


The most important thing is getting the right raid built for Rag. Last Wed we had a great mix of classes and that would have been perfect for a Rag attempt. One thing about us that I have noticed is that we are heavy on healer types. I truely believe we have more priest and druids in here than other guilds (especially compared to dps classes). If we can get that little extra bit of DPS in there and everyone is decently geared, Rag is going down. No doubt in my mind.

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Ceridia began FPFTMFW


Vehement beat Rag last night, how much better can their gear be than ours? Granted, I think it would be beneficial to not take the "fresh 60s" to the Rag raid. We probably want our A team out there. But that's not a problem right now, since we can't even get a team out there at all.


And I don't think we can know how many healers we need until we make our first couple real attempts.


BTW, Heilel used 3 fire protection pots and 5 arcane elixirs last night.

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Well the majority of the rogues should have their FR above 100 now so that has been a great improvement. The bank is pumping out FR gear as fast as they can now so that is an ever evolving thing.


At this point, I don't think it is a matter of gear, I think it is a matter of dedication and preparation. There is only so much the management can provide to people. We're working as best we can to produce and distribute potions and produce free gear for people.


Most of our members are doing their best to meet us half way. I think we need EVERYONE working towards the goal though, not just most of us.


If people have some spare time to kill, try to round up some folks to farm elemental fire, or make some quick runs into BRD and farm bracers and / or Fire Resist libram materials. I know it may not be as fun as playing battlegrounds or leveling an alt but it is something that needs to be done.


I understand that it is a difficult scheduling time right now during the Holidays, so I'm willing to cut everyone some slack. But we need to see some more dedication to push past these bosses. Once we do it once or twice it will be cake smile.gif

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I say good lord we beat domo 2 months ago and haven't done Rag (seriously) once yet.



Back on topic:



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  Shoop said:
Vehement beat Rag last night, how much better can their gear be than ours?


Well, they might have more MC experienced people then us and according to warcraftrealms.com they have 165 people in the guild. We have 402. I would be willing to wager that they have a more regular group of people going to these raids then we do.


In either case, maybe since Mr. Xarcostus himself finds his way to our boards on a regular basis, maybe he would be kind enough to make an appearance in this thread wink.gif


And Stang I agree, Rag before 2006. Also how about this, a dead Vael for my birthday this Wed. Is everyone willing to give me that as a present smile.gif

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They really aren't. They probably started guild only MC weeks before us. Same with Mistica and a couple other guilds.


They got Rag because they do Rag one or two days a week. We do Rag almost every other week, and in the case of this past weekend, not at all. Gear is basically the same, and overall experience is basically the same. We just need to be working on him religiously. And *ahem* people need to show up. sleep.gif

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but here's another thought. Do they have a set schedule where they do the same bosses on the same day of every week. I think our rotating schedule could have a hand in why we haven't taken him down yet. I'm just posting as I think of these things.


All good things will come to us as we put forth the effort. I'll try to get the hunters rallied towards some FR gear to get us prepared. Maybe we can also start a thread in the Item Trading Forum of what mats are needed for the Fire Resist Pots and other Pots we need to bring so more than just Miroku can farm for this stuff.


Let's try to give Gryph a dead Rag from Xmas smile.gif

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Well our schedule is about to change anyway. 1.9 is going to make sure of that. Even if not for that, we're going to have to move things around for the holidays. Most likely speed things up a little to fit in 3 full weeks of MC before we have to take a long break from xmas to new years.

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Now that that's out of the way, what do I get for christmas? Chopped liver? =D

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I think I have some old Crisp Basalisk Urethra's in my bank, Shoop. I was gonna wrap those up and send it to you. But I guess now I have to send you something else.

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i'll give you a hug shoop. =/


i feel bad for being late cause i wanted to do quests on my mage now. =(


i was coming i swear! =*(

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  Shoop said:


Now that that's out of the way, what do I get for christmas?  Chopped liver? =D


Ya we did! Remember them 5 wipes that one day? =P then he despawned. =( /cry


We do need more serious attempts, and last sunday was going to be it. Personally, I think we just need to save golemagg-majordomo in order to to Ragnaros. To guarantee people to show. if they want their chest pieces, they'll have to come to rag.

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