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As some of you know, I play a L60 Tauren warrior on Azjol-nerub. Last night during my guilds 10 millionth UBRS run i started thinking...why do we just do UBRS all the time, were like 5 people away from MC. So I decide I'm going to find a real end-game guild, theres quite a few on my server, so it should be easy to find one for me right?...wrong. EVERY guild on that server is full of warriors, I was to the point of saying 'please just let me join your guild I wont loot anything and I'll pay you with sexual favors to recruit me' of course I didnt say that not being very good at sexual favors laugh.gif . I'm kinda just wondering when everyone and their dog decided to role a warrior, is it just that server, or does SC have an excess of warriors? But anway, I'm leveling a priest now...server has a shortage of priests it seems, I would play my pally more, but i honestly hate playing a pvp server and getting ganked everytime i walk 10 feet into a contested area. Enough whinning for me for now, have fun folks, happy hunting.



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there are only 40 slots in raids to fill we use 6 warriors at the most, there are about 6 big guilds per server and two different factions horde and alliance so there is need for about 72 warriors plus a couple extra spots so that raid positions are filled so lets say 100 warriors are needed per server which really isn't a lot of room in comparison to the actual population on most servers. so yes if you are lucky you'll get your raiding guild to join.

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Warrior are usually in good supply no matter where you go. Its the good warriors that are hard to come by...


/looks around


...well, except in FP smile.gif

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respec to MS or fury and go wtfpwn the battlegrounds


or play your pally here and join the FP strike team

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Lol, well, i got some good news today, the guild I had applied for accepted me, the GM said I didnt even need to put in an app. because I was guilded with him before, so im now in the second biggest horde guild on my server. We went thru Scholo tonight, got my valor boots, 3 deathbone pieces, and some other good plate stuff. So looks like things worked out.


I tryed your idea once before Teahn, lol I suck at pvp =P

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congrats on the guild, do good things and good things happen, being nice to large guild leaders is definently a great way to get your foot in the door, or your character in a guild.

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how big is the second biggest guild? and they cant be as ftmfw as FP, because well that's impossible

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I say second biggest being most people, but second guild to do things like Kazzak etc. etc. the biggest guild on my server (the one with 2 thunderfurys) is a bunch of A-holes.

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Exodia is on your server now?!




Lol, the guild on my server is called Silvan Rangers, they are pretty much of bunch of friends from EQ that came to WoW, from what ive heard they were equally as much of asshats in EQ. I remember all of them when they were like L35 and raiding SM for gear...thought they were the shiznit back then too laugh.gif


My guild is named Wraithsteel Legion, with that said WSLFTMFW, and FPFTMFW too =P

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