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I was by no means the first warlock in FP. I only joined when enlighten joined with FP. Players like Akira and thornblade have seniority over me, but in the past room was still available in the raids for me. I've noticed in our recruitment forum that as a guild we take a lot of care in selecting new guildies, so that we don't become overloaded with one class. Unforunately this does not apply to warlocks. We need more open slots for warlocks. Previously we had just enough warlocks that by time a raid began, we would have enough signed up. With recent additions to our guild, this class has become crowded. Now, one must find the thread immediately after stangmeister posts the signup, or the four slots for warlocks will be filled. I used to have no problem getting in on our raids, but i haven't been able to catch an open slot in weeks. I have even noticed normal warlock veterans that are always brought along such as rodarn of thornblade have been reconciled to the overflow list, while our new warlocks are always there. I understand everyone deserves their opportunity, but it seems I have lost mine. As I have been squeezed out.

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I hear what you are saying and I am sure it will be discussed. However, I would like to point out that the last warlock spot was not accounted for until nearly 2 whole days had passed. I could understand if the raid filled up within an hour or 2, but I think 2 days is ample time to check the forums and sign up.

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Hi Sonny,


Part of the goal was to have one or two "extras" in each class so that if you couldn't make a raid, there was always some back up. We have effectively closed all classes because we have hit that number. We do not have such a significant number of warlocks that we have more than one on overflow at any given point, and it's likely to stay that way.


The rogue class is another story, but that is being addressed.


I guess what I'm saying is, don't be discouraged that you won't make every raid. Just be sure to check the forums regularly, and I'm sure you'll be in on a fair amount. We try to keep the opportunity to raid open and fair to all members.


We have a few other programs in the works to help assuage some of the slots being filled by probationary members rather than full members, but that has not yet been ironed out by the leadership.


Again, I'm sorry if you are put on overflow, but it will eventually happen to all of us. But it's better to have a slight overflow, than to restrict class composition so tightly that one or two members having plans could effectively call off a night of raiding.

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Yea i know what you mean, it is good to have a solid team on the bench too. I do think everyone should get their chance and I don't mind missing out on a few raids. Heck, I am not even available for all of the raids. I don't however regret that i did not immediately sign up, within two days. I understand that many of the other classes are even harder to get signed up. I like our new guildies. I even knew some of the previously. However, I would like to point out my full-time job and legal education that matter a little more than checking every thread, everyday.

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However, I would like to point out my full-time job and legal education that matter a little more than checking every thread, everyday.


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It's okay sonny, I've been sqeezed out of my fair share too =/


I try not to sign up because my schedule is really awkward and I'd have to cancel half of them anyway =/

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this should make u feel better, i work at 3 am , i cant read teh boards fast enough on the days i might get to raid and guess what im a rogue.. squeezed aint the word im using ... i have been flattened



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This is the price we pay to have raiding happen on time (almost) and full of delicious guildies. I'm really sorry Sonny, but I don't want you thinking that nobody cares. Think of it this way, your competition for gear is realy low. You're in a class that hands out epics by default, because of the beefy gear our Warlocks have, thats pretty cool, right?

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Yea I agree that our lock situation is nowhere near the same as our pally/rogue situation. I don't mean to make it sound like my situation is any more difficult than anyone elses smile.gif. When I chose to create a lock, it was a weighed decision from two factors: the potentially awesome power of their spells and soul shards; and the real-world fact that not many people play locks. Most people that want to be a caster go for mages. So I have always loved being a warlock because there is almost always room for me in pick-up raids, as well as highly organized guild raids. From all this I guess I have become spoiled. I do wish that established members had more seniority, but i enjoy all of you Prophets, especially the ones that wanted to console me here, so until the system changes i'll just try harder to get an open slot.

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i hear what your're sayin sonny i'v noticed the squize lately too but i think that every class is felling that so i dont really have any complaints about it. The only thing i don't like is how the warlocks only get 4 slots while everyone else gets 5 or more (for MC, i noticed on onyxia the melee gets limited to so i know some more ppl know how i fell but that's one boss not all the bosses in that instance (even tho there is only 1 boss there i know)). I see how earlyer there wasent enuf warlocks so the 4 slots that where open where fine but now that we got alot more i fell that it would be open back to 5 to be fair to all the classes. just thought id add my 2 cents i dont wana be added to list of warlocks that complain alot aka forums.worldofwarcraft.com. smile.gif

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Unfortunately, we need more healing than we do DPS most of the time. It is very common for most raiding parties to be comprised of different numbers of classes. You guys will be getting a lot more love when we fight high DPS battles like Rag and Vael.

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I understand we need our heals i love our healers they keep me alive smile.gif. But does it always have to be the warlocks that only take 4? I dont wana hijack the thread so i'll keep it short plus i think it's a topic for the members section not general. oh well just thought i'd say something since apearantly i wasen't the only warlock who thought something was strange about it. But if yall got a plan thats cool by me biggrin.gif

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Its a tradeoff, less warlocks on a raid is less competition, more warlocks is more space for you to fit in.


The class and group composition in MC is actually quite complicated and can make significant differences in a raid, but I'm not sure everyone realizes just how much of a difference and just how complicated it is. I get the feeling that the more we progress, the more important it will be.


For example, before hunters were revamped, there were 1 maybe 2 on a given raid. Now that hunters out-dps rogues and mages without their pets (go figure), its easy to allow a few more.


There are only so many curses that are useful. When you start talking about 5 and 6 warlocks, what exactly are their roles? There are 3 or 4 classes that more often than not out-dps warlocks, and we only need so many banishes and imps and curses and (sometimes) felhunters in a raid. Forgive me if I'm missing something, my highest warlock is level 5 :-P


Also, based on the fact that any MC raid is going to have at LEAST 16 healers, there is already at least one class that will not have 5 representatives in any given raid.

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Curse of doom is ftw.


Curses don't stack, if I'm not mistaken. Doom, Elements, Shadows, Agony, then you start getting into less useful ones... Togues, Weakness, Recklessness, Exhaustion... am I missing anything?


Not to mention, Curse of Elements, I'm fairly certain, has no effect on frostbolt. As far as I can tell. Correct me if I'm wrong!

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they don't stack from the same warlock... but... they do from different ones. Just ask Stang. 4 curse of dooms on Ony makes him all hot and bothered.

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they don't stack from the same warlock... but... they do from different ones. Just ask Stang. 4 curse of dooms on Ony makes him all hot and bothered.


That's what I meant. You can only cast one curse per warlock per target, like inner-tubes.


Measure an extra warlock vs the increase dps by replacing the warlock with a mage, hunter, rogue, or vanin.

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Vanin tips your scales. He's an outlier and you know it.


It's still fun to watch a boss's health dip all at once like that. BTW, can curse of doom quit?


Oh - and you're right Whisp. He's quite the randy young man.

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warlocks have good dps i can have corruption ticking for 152 a tick on a mob while i shoot SBs at it that will hit for over 1000 none crit with CoS and if Nightfall procs i get instant shadowbolts so i woudlent say the dps would go down. it's true curses dont stack but CoS and CoE up the dps of the whole raid (after 1.9 CoE will effect frostbolts from how they're changeing it) plus iv had CoD hit for over 4000 (they cant crit) not bad for a hit that is pastive as long as you wait a minute for it to go off plus unlike hunters and mages when we run outa mana we can lifetap get more mana and bandage and be back to havein 2500 mana to burn on a boss. we're not gimped for dps is what im saying (all these numbers iv done or do on regular basis not just random forum SS i saw)

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Ive always had the signups with 4 locks and 6 priests, and I knew this would come up someday.


But, I just dont know how well we'd do with only 5 priests, but then again having more dps is always a plus. Having four curses of Doom on something makes me giddy. I


I can pretty much guarantee you that for the near future, all six or seven warlocks could signup for Onyxia and get in. Or mages or hunters for that matter. Ranged DPS ftw! Sonny, ya gotta come to more Nixys! =D

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