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Patch 1.9 notes



- Fixed a bug where feral druids were occasionally out-damaged by rogues.

- Moonfire's damage over time effect has been removed. it was never intended to be used to its full duration.

- Moonfire animation change. The spell will now fire horizontally from the caster.

-Moonfire has been renamed to Arcane Laser.




- Aimed shot can no longer miss.

- Multi-shot no longer targets civilians.

- All two handed swords, axes, and polearms, as well as several daggers have been labeled as hunter class only, regardless of stats.

- Wing clip no longer works on moonkin. The developers have decided this was too ironic.




- Due to complaints about caster itemization, mages have been removed from the game.




- Due to significant talent changes, talent points for Paladins have been refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell/ability replacements have been significantly reduced.


-Holy Shock design changed. Holy Shock now causes 500-600 damage, heals the paladin for 500-600 damage, and causes the enemy to flee.

- Paladins still cant chase fleeing enemies.

- Reckoning is no longer limited to 5 swings. however, whenever reckoning is active, a yellow glowing inner-tube surrounds the paladins feet.

- All blessings now cause a yellow glowing inner tube to surround the players feet.

- All Paladin inner-tube's can be dispelled. They were only added to remind shamans who to purge.

- Blessing of salvation has been removed from the game.

- New blessing added: Blessing of Wrath. 20% chance on hit to gain an extra attack.

- Paladins may no longer bless themselves.

- Repentance can still be broken by Will of the Forsaken. Sorry.

- Inner-tubes have been removed from the game.




-Devouring Plague(Undead) has had its cooldown removed. now stacks with itself up to 5 times.

-Fear ward(Dwarf) is no longer consumed by fear effects.

Shadowguard(Troll) new icon.

Elune's Grace(Night Elf) working as intended.




- Warstomp is now a class ability due to the fact that every shaman is a tauren anyway.

- But that doesn't matter because Shamans have been removed from the game. To balance the now uneven Alliance to Horde ratio, Night Elves have been removed from the game.




- Warlock class renamed to Mushroom.

- Corruption renamed to Spore Cloud.

- Curse of the Elements now properly reflects its effect on frost spells. It is now called curse of the Element.

- None of this matters because warlocks have been removed from the game.




- Fixed a bug where overpower occasionally did not cause rogues to complain.

- Using whirlwind while dual wielding now deals damage from both mainhand and offhand weapons.

- Using recklessness while drunk will make the effect last longer.

- Warriors can now wield other Warriors



I choose Gryph btw...

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  Beornwarrior said:

Elune's Grace(Night Elf) working as intended.


What's sad is that it looks like an actual Blizzard response.



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That was very funny. What made it funnier is part of me is thinking "Is he joking?"

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Warriors can now wield other Warriors  



I choose Gryph btw...


I'll take Vanin, but my range will get reduced to 1 yard smile.gif

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- Due to complaints about caster itemization, mages have been removed from the game.  


ill miss you all till i get warrior to level 60...i plan on running VC till i get Gryph X's 2 as i plan on dual wielding him...hopefully he will not be considered unique

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  TeAhnPrime said:
i choose to DW twigs and joe,  thats like what increased swords +26?






Chance on hit: Target gets stuck in bear trap helmet.

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Of course I immediately scrolled down to the paladin section and began to read... After readiing the first one:


-Holy Shock design changed. Holy Shock now causes 500-600 damage, heals the paladin for 500-600 damage, and causes the enemy to flee.  

I thought "Hot Damn, Holy Repsec, here I come!"

Then I kept reading... and I was sad.

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