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Work ftl!!!!....who agrees!?

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Ok so i started work today....


I was hoping this job wouldnt suck.But guess what!? IT DOES! /sigh


Im never gonna find somthing i like to do....


anyone got a job they wanna gimme? one that doesnt involve bitchy customer ppl? $50 an hour would be nice also..That would be great


Lazyness ftw, work ftl...


No this post doesnt really have a point, and no its not very exciting. Sorry i made you read it...but i needed to whine.. alot.


/cry sad.gif

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Well what about SCHOOL FTL IT SUCKS I HATE IT except for the hot girls HAHAHAHAHA reinhard im single and got all the girls haha inside joke thing

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I vowed never to work in the customer service industry or anything related after my first job...




*giant woman scoots up to bakery in one of those motorized "I'm-too-fat-to-stand-without-breaking-my-legs" chairs and hands me a package of frosted cinnamon rolls*




*she is finally satisfied with a centimeter layer*


Fellow employee reduced to picking things up she can't reach: I'm so sorry...


Me: I'd give you money for putting up with this, but they pay me the same minimum wage...




And so concludes my stint in a large grocery chain bakery. Stay tuned for more bakery adventures such as "Whatever happened to butt-scratchin' bob the baker?", "Crazy 80 year old jehovah's witless co-worker with a thick jamacian accent tries to convert me", "Somewhat unbalanced cake designer who has a disturbing collection of knives for her profession", "The day my boss decided to throw 10 gallon buckets of frosting at the store manager", and "My lazy co-worker likes to get high and sleep on the bags of flower"


Btw, the smell of freshly baked bread no longer makes me happy...

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Ok, which leads me to another Game.


Who Has Had The Worst Job Ever.


My worst Job, Flashlight inspector,


Description: I spent 10 hours a da pressing the little button on penlights to make sure that the lightbulbs work. As a break from this, I would occaisionally be able to put DD batteried into the big flashlights...


Days worked: 14

How I quit: I spent an hour flashing SOS against a wall with one of the flashlights, then after enough boss people walked by me without saying anything, I walked out.

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Is that a REAL job?!?!? Wow, and to think some people are greatfull for that...


I can't compete with that one Ael, not that I really had a 'bad' job, unless you count trying to teach music to high school kids in redneck land...

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My worst job was going door to door selling newspaper subscriptions....


days worked: 1/2


how i quit: One of the ppl whos door i went to replied "IF I WANTED A F***ING PAPER ID GO TO THE STORE AND BUY ONE" when asked if he would like to buy a subscription. To which i said "WHILE UR AT THE STORE BUY SOME SLIM FAST AND A PAIR OF PANTS". .=/


I know not very mature....but hey i was 18..and the job really sucked. I mean how would you like it if a fat man in tighty whities yelled at you? sad.gif


was very gross. who answers their door in their underwear btw!? :cry:

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I answered my door in my underwear once. But it was a Johova's witness, and it was the best way to get them to leave fast.

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hot boy answering doors in their underwear is always welcome when i am knocking. =D

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The worst job i've had ended a few months ago


Newspaper packaging.


What i do?: Take 5th page put it into the 4th, once all the 5th pages are gone. take the pack of 4th and 5th pages and put em into the 3rd page. then put that package into the 2nd and then the 1st. then when you have this full newspaper start over again but this time stuff it with flyers.


each paper ended up weighing around 3 lbs but in order to make it effective you had to pick em up in stacks and pile em up on your table. then when you were done you had to pick up the stack you did and put it somewhere else.

You had to do this with at least 10 sets of things. By then end of the day you felt like you had been working out all day long, and you could hardly breathe cuz that stupid ink and dust gets in your nostrils.


How I quit: even tho i wanted to burn the freaking mailroom down apparently that is illegal. so... I walked up to the supervisor and said. "im not comming tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after, Oh yeah i want my pay in cash for this week too."

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My worst job ever: Stockroom/sales/human forklift @ Val's Basket Wharehouse.


What did I do?: The usual retail bunk, except the place had no air conditioning, and Lost and lots of heavy merchandise. I'd spend my day: unloading trucks, Opening boxes, stocking shelves, packing shit down in the dumpster by jumping on it (i kid you not), and if I was lucky, some #$@#% would want some peice of furniture. Or my favorite, some mexican pottery.


This may not sound bad at fitst glance, but anyone that knows me knows that I'm a decent sized dude. Meaning, I was far and away the strongest guy in ths place. They figured this out in .02 seconds.


If there was anything, ANYTHING, that weighed over 15lbs, I was the dipshit that moved it, loaded it, stacked it. restacked it, and held up for customers to look at.


How I quit: the first time was straight up two week notice, followed by me throwing myself a party. The second time (I had a moment of stupidity, and needed some extra $) I told them that I was going to seatle for 10 days, which was true. I just never told them that I came back.


They've since sent me the check in the mail.

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i worked at sears before. it was teh suck. i had a craptastic attitude all the time and utterly hated my job. i finally stopped showing up.

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Wow, I never knew some of those jobs existed.


I havent had any really crappy jobs, jsut stupid people I worked with.


Worst work day


I was taking a half day to do my CCNA exam (Cisco certification test). Failed it because I didn't study RIP at all and all the lab exercises were with it. Went to the bar, had 2 jack and cokes and 2 shots of jager. Called the boss to tell him I failed and unless there was an emergency I wasn't coming in.


Well of course there was, so I finished my drink and drove arcoss the street. Get there and the boss is going over the problem. He starts deligating tasks, gets to me and says "Figure out what everyone wants for lunch".


Our entire department plus some were standing there. I simply remarked very loudly "F**k you asshole, I'm going back to the bar." Push him out of my way like I wanted ot fight him, slammed the door and went back to the bar.

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