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Rag, from what ive seen its boiled down to this primarily.


too much :shock: and not enough :evil:


Nuke him, from the get go, if you crit him, great, kill that SoB like he pillaged your town when you were 5 and kidnapped your sister. yea, i realize that aggro will be a tough one, but guess what, everyone is always in range of the SOB. when youre waiting 1 min to start fighting in a fight that takes 5ish or you wipe, youre not doing so well. its pretty much been proven that no one can survive 2 son spawns, so if you dont have rag at ~50% for the first one, youre f'd.


Melee shouldnt have to jump through the lava to get to rag, just line them up near the healers, run them around, and spread them out along the whole arc. rogues behind melee to the sides. Keeping as many people up without taking unneccessary damage is probably clutch. It could be the difference between Miro getting off a 5 point evisc and dying because he didnt have the additional 1000hp he took from swimming into the lava.


We need to stop being timid about this one, stop saying well here theyre doing this. You know what theyre doing and were not? DPS, lots of it, everyone doing everything they possibly can to take that oversized lighter out. We're also taking 20 minutes in between wipes to get back up. Not cool. Go farm Baron for a week, get some cash, and get back up as fast as possible. Buy yourself the mats for a flask of supreme power, or a flask of the titans.


This is one of those times where we're gonna need to be hardcore to get this. There is no pussy footing around him, you basically have to look at it like this


There's no turning back

There's no second chance

You've already got both feet through the door


[brownie points for who can tell me what thats from]


/end of rant

/mumble about DPS

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I wasn't their for any attempts but I've heard and agree that the DPS is key vs Rag....


And I believe thats a quote from Down, Set, Go by Underoath

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Willas your Valdez quote is actually from Mitch Hedbreg. Awesome comedian. RIP.

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the reason that melee should jump across the lava is so that their healers can have range on them and the other ranged folks.


after rag last night i saw a couple people practicing and i did it my self too and you can jump across without taking damage.

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some fire protection pots would help... I know SL spends about 1k gold per rag run...


Also, the casters in between UBRS and LBRS have an 80 FR buff if you mind control them.. its 1 or 2 hours or something... worth it for the melee classes (esp if you dont have 8 pallies...)

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  Joesf said:


Willas your Valdez quote is actually from Mitch Hedbreg. Awesome comedian. RIP.

Noted biggrin.gif

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As I was one of the healers assigned to the melee I have a few comments in regards to DPS.


The lava jump, the rogues doing sprint and a jump definately avoid damage. The priests line up for the jump last night were also pre-pull shielding as many as we could. By the time we got the go ahead we easily have the mana regened fully. So yes, the jump is possible without damagge, but even then we already took precautions.


As for running from the Gryph/MT Healer position, for most melee that is a longer run than from the lava jump point. If you still think the strategy of circling the melee around Rag is good, then it would make sense to split the melee charge into two groups.


In amount of time I had for observation, there may not be a voice cue, but the CTRaid mod always warns a 5 second knockback warning. I was a healer and positioned in various places trying to avoid this. I don't think this is the best way anymore. I think we have to accept that on average you will get thrown back at least once during the encounter and align ourselves so the knockback isn't catastrophic (half our DPS/melee healers dead after 2 knockbacks).


In getting knocked around by Big Red. I noticed two things. If you are in the 'safe spot' which is the extra little bit of land to where there is just a lava field an the wall leading out. You get knocked high in the air, and have twice as far to swim through lava. Even with my Olympian lava swimming skills, I coldn't make it back once.


On the positive side, Rags knockback happens to be the exact distance of the lava field from the melee sand bar to the ranged DPS areas. If you get the 5 s warning and back up to the edge, you will get knocked back exactly to where the lava jump is. If you are still in melee going for that 5pt eviscerate you will get knocked into the lava right before that. I think this distance is to precise to be ignored, it looks to me like blizz designed the encounter (in part) around this manuever.


Assume worst case, that every melee will get knocked back once. Do you want them in the position where no heal can reach them, they potentially take falling damage, and they have to swim through 30 yards of lava. Or do you want them to pop back into the fray after getting knocked back to the position with the second greatest concentration of healers.



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I do agree with TeAhn though...


Nuke em till they glow, then shoot em in the dark.


Oh... wait... he's already glowing. I guess we just have to shoot him then.



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