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Well looks like the bloodelves are not going to be a horde race.

I just watched the movie, the following is a quote


"the Blood elves turned away from their former comrades in arms"

"their obsession to gain power at any cost has set them on a collision corse with the horde,and a destiny they could not have forseen"


I didnt make that up. Watch the movie yourself on fileplanet.


Im guessing they are the new enemy to fight in the old world and the outland.


I wonder who the new races are going to be.

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I read that as well, but have also seen them on the character creation page. So... I say they are a playable horde race.

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"their obsession to gain power at any cost has set them on a collision corse with the horde,and a destiny they could not have forseen"


The quote means that their quest for power led them to join the horde. Gamespot has an interview with Blizzard and they state that the Blood Elves will be on the horde side.

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The blood elves are listed as the horde race on the official expansion website.

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