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Just so you all know...I didn't die. Just busy with the baby and work and all, but hopefully I'll get back to my normal gaming routine soon.


...on a more serious note.


The game has been out for a little over a year now and I know most people get bored and drop from a game in that time so...


I'd just like to say that with most of you I have developed a friendship with. I've known u guys since your mains were lvl 20s running around Duskwood.


If the event of anyone leaving WoW for whatever reason, please let us know if/what your new game is. Basically don't be a stranger and keep in touch with all of us. Get your info on the AIM thread soon! You guys are too cool to let go.




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Little under a years.... I my memory serves me, it was nov 23rd? I know I went into work and told the boss I was running to best buy to pick one up b4 they were sold out....

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heheh, my boss and I RACED to the store just incase there was only one copy left when we got there. As it turned out we had to tag team to the second store to beat all the other people (from the first which didn't get their shipment in) and get our copies. Haven't run the interference car in a loooong while. tongue.gif


My info will remain constant (I have a yahoo e-mail so that when/if I move I don't have to keep sending new e-mail msgs to everyone) and should be on file here - will check to make sure right after this is posted. smile.gif

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BTW, this doesn't mean I am planning to leave or anything. I just wanted you guys to know that if/when I do (as we all must eventually) my info will be current. smile.gif


And oh yeah.... MORE BABY PICS!!! biggrin.gif

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