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15min class blessings!!!! ZOMFG


there better be reagents tho... or else i'll be pissed off.

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i believe the reagent for all pally blessings is DPS.


wait for it




keep waiting




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i believe the reagent for all pally blessings is DPS.


wait for it




keep waiting





You sir, are such a bastard.....



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Its about time pallys get something lol. 15 mins only makes it less annoying...give em 60 mins!

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The highlight of the new paladin abilities seem to be a greater separation and enhancement of the three talent trees allowing paladins to further specialize into their role as a healer, a tanker (aggro management abilities ala taunt were promised!), or a damage dealing machine.




Wish warriors got love. We get love then beat down with a nerf stick jsut as hard afterwards.

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We've got whispercast, not like it's hard to individually buff people. The 15 minute thing would be great, even if we have to do it individually. I'm just excited about the new talent trees.

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Not sure if I missed it or not, but they didn't attempt to even the playing field when it comes to Shaman's the most overpowered class in game. What are they giving the Pally's to help lvl the playing field a longer buff? Aggro control? We are talking PvP get yourself 5 shaman's in AB and you got yourself a win 80% of the time. Then they give them bloodelves...I'm very curious as to how gimp our new char is going to be and how more unstoppable the horde will become.


Its negative but after all night in BG seeing how they just roll over us even after we are organized.

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