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Everyone's favorite paladin (me) is going on a vacation to Marquette, MI to visit some friends at college. I may or may not be at the raids this weekend, I know I'm signed up for them but I honestly didn't think I'd be heading up there. Sort of a last minute thing, and I wanted to sign up just in case. If I am, in fact, attending these raids, I may or may not be coherant. College life tends to mean drinking, lots of drinking, and if I am acting a little bit out of the ordinary, that will explain it. If I don't make it to the raids, good luck, get some phat l3wts for me. And if I'm there, well hey, this whole thing is moot. I'll more than likely be on the forums as I'm taking my laptop up there with me, just not sure if I'll have time to commit to a raid. Peace out FP, I'll be back to full capacity on Monday night.

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pssssh, 20 bucks says ive got a better chance of getting arrested than you do for drunken shennanigans.

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