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I am sorry FP, currently as my computer error is completely abliterating any chance I have to play WoW I feel I must stop. Not only that, but apparently the company in which my mom had the credit card that we used to pay for WoW and other things (with a 500$ credit mind you) decided to cancel it and close the credit card. However never fret, once I obtain the means to fix my computer error and since I'm working I shall return, just not sure when.


I'm sorry FP, that soon after the merger my comp went caputs. I did enjoy the company with FP and I hope that I shall return and be able to play again. But for now, I guess I am leaving WoW. Thanks Again All, I Will Miss You!


In closing, don't forget about Snarf!



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never got the chance to meet you unfortunately =( come back when you can so we can get to know eachother. =)

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