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the raids I have been on with you guys are amazing.

Ive been playing these types of games for like 10 years, and these raids are the best organized ive ever seen.


Seriously I cant say enough how hardcore these raids run, its just amazing

Rock on


\m/_ _\m/



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Thanks man. We've been working to get to this point for a long time, and knowing that people enjoy what we've created makes it all worthwhile. :wink:

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Thanks Klaud! We try out best to make these raids fun and profitable!


It it amazing just how many people we have working together to make these raids run smoothly!


Thanks to everyone that helps out smile.gif




/em is a sucker for MC compliments.

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That is without a doubt... FP has the most unique and awesome approach to high-end raiding and anything of the sort related to WoW.

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ahh hehe it's shoop making me have to read all these posts over again... I was wondering who is the one I keep following around the forums trying to see what new posts were out!

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Well, its not me... Though I hope it will be one day. smile.gif


Seriously, I've played several MMORPGS and this guild is the best. In other end content raids it was always 'how much longer are we going to be here.' With FP I always leave wishing it would have lasted longer because the time just flew by we were having so much fun. Kudos to the raid leaders, and kudos to everyone in FP, you make what could be a boringly loooooong run for end loot into a very fun time with friends where the loot is only an afterthought.



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