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Hey guys, I'm doing a persuasive speech on the negative effects of playing/producing an MMORPG and I could use some help. If any of you could post up links to articles or anything interesting that would make MMO's look negative, I would greatly appreciate it.


Some examples would include:

The "You stole my fucking cloudsong!" soundclip wowseriousbusiness.ytmnd.com


Mother owns Son forum posts


Baby dies due to parents playing too much WoW


Anything of that nature would be of great help to me. Also, I know this is completely unethical but I'd like to come up with an average number of hours people spend playing WoW. This would most probably be done by getting you guys to post up your /played on all your chars and the date you started or an average amount of time you guys play a week or day. This information is going to be presented to a professor and a class as a statistic so if you're uncomfortable in posting that kind of stuff then by all means feel free not to.


Ideas on how to improve my speech would be cool too.


Thanks in advance guys.



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i'm sure if you get everyones total time played and the date they got the game you would get the info you need (than you can average their times and present it however you choose, makes it easier to compare to other data sets), just make sure they give you totals for all of their characters combined. that way you can use productivity, or lack there of as a persuasive tool. i'll post mine tomorrow for ya.

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=o Interesting!!


I wanna help you by giving you my times, but I just logged =\


If it helps, from Jan to May I spent 30 played days leveling Enigami. Yep, a whole month of my life =\


Yay for telling the world!! =P

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There was a guy a couple years ago who was addicted to Everquest, then he killed himself ... now his mom hosts a message board to help people addicted to online gaming. I'll see if I can find it.

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yea, i remember a while back about some guy who committed suicide because someone would not marry him in game, everquest btw. never actually read the article, but I heard it from my math teacher who was an EQ addict now WoW addict.

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i have 44 days of playtime on erlin


i started like sometime before the summer i forget...heh

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Okay I found it. It's OLGANON (Online Gamers Anonymous) and founded by the mother of the guy that killed himself because of EQ... although he was depressed and stuff before that... so .. *Shrug*.. not sure if it'll help but here's the link.



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I'd figure mine out and post it, but It would scare me. I'm afraid my play time is higher then my sleep time. 7days a week 4:30pm-midnight average I would say. Been playing since the game came out.... missed 4 days of playing in that time.

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I don't believe that MMOs have negative effects on society.


Too much sugar makes people get cavities, so is it necessarily having a negative effect on society? Like all things, if you do/take something in excess, it's a bad thing (our bodies survive on equilibrium).


Any astute professor or student would call you on that speech. You're taking outliers and using them to represent the norm, which is the basis of most failing grades on persuasive speeches.


In any case, hope your professor ignores that and gives you a good grade...

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true, and WoW has kept me in on some friday nights where i wouldve almost surely been arrested for the capers i wouldve pulled. Fenway riots last year to name one.

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Hmmm, now you've got me a little worried about my speech Kopi. But thanks for the heads up =D I guess I'm gonna have to be a little more careful in how I approach this speech.

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If you want to make a good persuasive speech, talk about how they have changed society, but be neutral on the subject. You can be alarmist and say that they're corrupting our youth or some other bullshit.


You know, rock and roll



Video Games


I'm sort of curious, actually, as to what's going to be next. However, there's no denying that MMOs have impacted society. First off, you have an entire job market (chinese gold farmer anyone?), vocabulary (LFM, LFG, incoming pat, charms, mezes, mobs, dungeons, etc), it's certainly a multi billion dollar industry by now, which probably influences game companies. Not to mention how many people have you known to upgrade their internet service from dialup to broadband to play videogames?


It's most importantly a way for people all over the world to interact with each other. Sure you have the internet and www, but chances are you're interacting with people online who are geographically or socially in your category. In MMOs, you're pretty much forced into the same room as people you wouldn't ordinarily seek out.


It depends on how late is it to change your topic, and how specific you want to be. I see people making these types of speeches constantly (probably because it's really easy to say "look at these examples taken to the extreme and you can see that this is a bad thing") except they don't do what they're supposed to, which is persuade.


Chances are this is for some degree requirement. My mother used to teach a class along those lines, and I had the wonderful(?) experience of being around when she was grading them. So really the question is: how much work do you want to do?

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evan should get a job as teacher =/

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