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Guys I Transfered Sumic over to Smolderthorn this morning, I cant deal with the lag. It was making me wonder why I was paying 13 bucks a month to deal with that crap. I left urugly in the guild and will play her outside of Raids. I joined a friend of mines guild that I played eq2 with on smolderthorn. They have MC down to Rag. U guys know u cant get rid of cockroaches like me I will be around I love ya lots Sumic

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dang sumic, imma miss ya buddy.

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Bye, I'll miss ya. But I am confused why you are leaving because of lag when the lag is about to go away (or at least it is suppose to) because of transfers. /shrug


Take care. /wave

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Damnit you (words not appropriate for this forum) you told me you were going to sleep on it and wait it out! I oughta smack the hell outta you. Vent's just not going to be the same without out man. Thanks for all your help with everything while you were here, you will be missed.

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Sumic ole buddy,


you will be missed.. You know ya can keep in touch me with through emails and such.. we all would care to know how your doing..


gonna miss ya pal. Can't state that enough... but as all things in life go.. you need to go one way. and we the other.. maybe we'll see you around the bend sometime. take care friend. I'll be seeing ya.



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Sad to see you go sumic... enjoyed hearing you on vent =P


Good luck on ST... hopefully see you on SC with urugly from time to time!

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Aww Sumic!!! Nooooooo, I didn't get to enjoy you yet sad.gif

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Sumic!!!! Come Back!!!! I can't believe you did that!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyways Good luck over there. I talked to some peeps with chars over there and they were experiencing lag as well. Though not as bad as our it was lag nevertheless. Well, ladyakira is gonna be sad when I tell her. She always had fun questing with ya.

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Not YOU Sumic!!! sad.gifsad.gifsad.gif


You were the closest thing I had to hometown family on this server (being from Texas myself). You better start playing Urugly %90 of the time you are online man. You will be sorely missed my friend.

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Who will make me laugh on vent? And who will compete with me for uber hunnah lewt?


Guys, in memory of Sumic I am no longer a 60 hunter, but a 60 Hunnah


Good luck on ST Bud sad.gif I hope I have the privelage of running into you again.

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Now who am I going to tip to make my stormshroud armour , lol. You'll be missed man take care of yourself. Hope the grass is way greener for ya.

We also lost synch this morning to the transfers he was a warlock I believe , oddly enough I did my first group with him the day before. Must have been the dwarvish scent that drove him away. Thoses that were on siad there goodbyes to Synch as well.

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