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Some of you might know this already; there are now free server transfers from Skullcrusher to a new low pop server called Smolderthorn. A while ago i was really convinced that changing servers was an awesome idea (because of lag and overpopulation), and i was just waiting for the free server transfers to come up, but after a while i gave up hope and soon enough i didnt want to change anymore.


i was just wondering if anyone else was tempted to change servers?


EDIT: Didnt see there was already a thread about this, apologies smile.gif

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lol... its being discussed by the officers on whether we're moving over but it looks like we're staying.

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NA's moving, and while Exodia's being tight lipped, there's a 99% chance the rumors of them switching are true.

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Just read it on the forums... Trans is moving to ST too.


Also... apparently alot of our good alliance pvp'ers are moving to ST... we're gonna suck more in AV now lol.

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  Dagorian said:
Also... apparently alot of our good alliance pvp'ers are moving to ST... we're gonna suck more in AV now lol.


Naw, NA and UA are moving too, so they are in the same boat. =)

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Im actually pretty sad that NA is leaving as well. . . . They are the best horde guild, ever. /tear.


I could stand to lose purple dragons or a few other random ones, but not these guys. =\


However, maybe on the bright side we'll win a few more BG's? =P

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yeah, the hordie guilds that are leaving are: NA and UA. The Alliance ones that are leaving are: Trans and Exodia.


Im sad that they are leaving to, i mean as much I find NA annoying while im trying to grind/lvl...still sad to see them go. all the guilds that are leaving are pretty awesome guilds. so yeah..




Edit: apparently Blunt Logic is leaving to ..... lol


woot maybe all these ppl leaving WILL fix some of the lag! /pray

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lol, I can't say I much mind BL leaving, but then again, they are, in a way, part of what makes SC home =/ ... I mean... who will those people who post to complain about other people who post complain about now? =/


And... exo... well... Lavi ftl =!!!!

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As much as some people would disagree, I thought NA was pretty classy as a whole, unlike the aforemention Purple Dragons! I'll miss them. sad.gif


On a brighter note, the mass exodus of people to Smolderthorn may give us a chance to attempt the outdoor raid bosses -- Azuregos, Kazzak, and the 4 new dragons!


Last night we almost formed an attempt to kill the Hinterlands dragon, Ysondre (I think?). However, we were bested by Immortality. I'm looking forward to the day that Immo makes an attempt, only to say "Damn! Those Forgotten Prophets beat us to it!" smile.gif

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