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Klaudius's guide to running like a rest speccd druid

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So you say your a rest specced druid do you ?

You just found yourself surrounded by a Group of taurins.

Well your in luck ! This is the way to get away step by step

1. after you get hit with the first frost shock. shake head and wake up

2. light off natures swiftness

3. hit f1 then cast regrowth

4. cast rejuvenation

5. at this point you will have a warlock casting dots on you. and another frostshock incoming

6. switch to travelmode.

7. run like only a druid can

8. switch in and out of travel mode to shake frost off, and to decurse.

9. when your not in combat, switch to cat mode.

10 stealth

11. after stealth takes, immediately turn 90 degrees right or left,

12 continue moving for at least 10 seconds. Cause they will run following the direction you stealthed in

13. find a bar and drink heavely


Yea, this is how i get away 100% of the time, just figured its early morning and maybe this will help someone else.

You guys rock


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You know, this is the guide all rest spec'd druids should follow. Otherwise they'll find themselves at the spirit healer faster than you can say <insert something you can say really fast here>!


Thanks for making me laugh Klaudius! It's funny cause it's true...and really really sad that I know exactly how you feel. We belong in end-game instances, not silly pvp!

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i'd like to point out a good shammy will purge those HoT's smile.gif


and if you want to get him to Frost Shock if your NS timer is down, go travel form, he's sure to use his Frost Shock to stop you from running, shift out, do a quick regrowth while he's on his 5 second timer then continue on your merry way


also... I miss the old swiftshifting sad.gifsad.gif

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Haha this truly is the druid way of life. They should hand this out to every n00b dr00d at lvl 1. I had to learn it the tough way.

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if i really don't want to fight, it is usually the NS + roots right away, then travel form to cat stealth form.

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That's always great, unless it's a druid, mage, or rogue. Jumping off cliffs in cat form is also awesome. Non druids always forget that doesnt hurt us and they follow like no big deal. Then they're all blood and loose chunks of flesh on the ground. muahahahaha

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I can guarantee you against a good shammy... or a smart group of horde... not even a druid can outrun them 100% of the time.


There was a nice analysis of client -> server delay and the fact that any smart shammy should know that if a druid is low on life and switches to caster form its mostlikely gonna be ns + heal... so they will purge around the same time you click ns and hence ur instaheal is pretty much gone. And if ur being attacked by a group and trying to fake ur ns by doing something else like hearthing and then interrupt and then ns... you're mostlikely gonna be dead by as they'd hv caught up by then.


My general rule is that if its one horde... i'll always engage... even if i'm on the losing end... at least give them a hard time to kill me...


Frostshock and if they close in on u... warstomp + earthbind... you're pretty much dead. I've outrun many horde like 1-2 of them... or even more if they're unprepared or stupid... but dont expect to get out every time...


If i get gangbanged... i normally just hit /dance macro and sit back and enjoy.


However... with 1.8... and without our nice 9/11/31 build... i reckon if ur a druid and get banged by horde... and especially if a shammy is there... hit grasp before u touch ns... most of the time they'll be trigger happy and purge watever u just casted so they waste their purge... and with grasp on if any of them get to hit u they'll be afflicted for awhile... and a higher chance u get ur ns + heal off... .

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