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Ok so, I managed to drag my brother to AWA with me this year, and we started talking about old video games. He said "Candi, you remember that game you had on your old computer. . BLOOD? You need to find that game again it was fun". So i went on a hunt the other day. It took me a few tries, but I found it. How i missed this simple little game.


Is it the awesome graphics? Or the high impact game play? No.....


I get to kick Zombies heads around biggrin.gif


Happy Candi

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Vanin and I knew Blood 2 very well... The face suckers haunt our dreams...



V - "You hear anything"

J - "No, you?"

"You see anything?"

"not really... its dark..."

"You go first..."


*Squishy sucking noise SSHlshshlurshsr

"AAHHH! Killl em!"

"ITs on my face AHhhH!"




"You hear anything"

"I didnt hear anything last time"

"You go first..."

"Screw you, you go first"

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haha, Joe I remember that!


I remember staring into a pool of water and knowing there are those stupid face suckers...'cause you hear the aweful sucking noise. Then I proceed to throw all my grenades into the pool....


Remember the 2 little girls at the end of the hallway?

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