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So, what strategy are we using\trying with our next run. There was a few things I noticed that might help us, but want to see what we're working with currently since I was only there for one run.

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Erlin is tanking.  


Stang is MCing the adds.


I'm ranged DPS.


You bandage.


I really hate that these kinds of jokes cant be made effectively using druids, since we can technically do everything.... no wait... that's what I LOVE about my class biggrin.gif


Gynis, ranged dps ftw! Go go gadget Moonkin!

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Bandage hunter pets.

Taunt Stang onto Gynis.

Chase healers around with a dirty Q-tip.

Druids are responsible for capturing Domo's flag.

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You have to DI me, how else am I going to use Jumper Cables, not like I can get out of combat without it wink.gif

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Seriously though, was the only trouble during domo healing, or were there other issues that needed to be examined too.


Oh, and yes, Druids ftw. I want a 40 druid MC run after the patch.

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The plan is going to be very similar to what Joe and stric and some others discussed earlier.


We start with 8 Adds: 4 healers, 4 elites.


Have pally shield pull and Warriors taunt off their targets. Warriors may shield wall at this point to give them more time to build aggro before the healers need to kick in and start healing.


Mages sheep 4 healers.


Kill the first two elites.


Drop the health of the next 2 elites to approximately 20%


Pop one healer from sheep and kill him.


Pop another healer from sheep and kill him.


At this point we have 2 elites at 20% and 2 healers at full health. Sheep no longer works when there are only 4 adds left.


We switch two tanks over to tank the two healers that are now unsheeped.


We *QUICKLY* drop the 2 elites that we prviously softened up to 20%


We now have only 2 healers left. We keep them seperated and concentrate on one at a time.


Domo surrenders and places the corpses of his lackeys in a pattern on the floor spelling out "FP"

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I asked this to Joe earlier today and I think I should post it here. When a tank's target is killed, should he run over to a sheeped target and start taunting only since that should not break sheep?


Just a thought.

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So don't let a tank get a head start on the agro table to push themselves up as high as possible?

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I thought taunt was a temporary agro fix, not an agro builder. Like, it snaps you to the top, but that's about it.


I'm not sure though. I know this is how it works for me when I'm in bear form. (Read, it doesn't work all that well).

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Gryph, Joe, Beorn, Prime, Vanin even, can you answer this for us?

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I believe that it pops you to th top of the hate list permanently at that very moment and provides you with 3 seconds where aggro cannot be stolen from you.


In those three seconds it is your job to make sure you create more threat than the next guy.


In my experience, there are certain exceptions to this rule. Sheep and Mind Control seem to have residual threat that continues to build at a rapid rate even after the control has been broken.

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I went to a Vegan restaurant once with my friend Angela. I haven't spoken to her since.

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How I see it in my insane screwed up head....



Sheep 4 healers.


Tank 4 Elites.


Elite 1+2 are pulled over to the side together and Elite 3+4 are pull to other side together. We kill Elites 1+2. Elites 3+4 are jsut far enough apart so warriors aren't getting AoE damage from both Elites.


At this point Elite1 warrior will tank Sheep 1. We kill Sheep 1 while Elite 3+4 are being tanked.


Once Sheep 1 is down, we attack Elite 3+4 to 20% health.


Elite 2 warrior will tank Sheep2 and we start to kill them.


When Sheep2 is <20%, we get Elite1 warrior to run over to Sheep3. This slight timing gap will give him time to get fully healed. So when sheep breaks, one mob is already ready to be taunted\tanked.


We then run Sheep2 to Elite 3+4 and bring Elite 3+4 together. At this point we mass AoE all 3 at once. All melee DPS focused on Sheep2 (healer), then Elite3+4.


Once Sheep2 dies the other two sheep will come back to life. The Elite1 warrior will already be taunting Sheep3 and the tank from Sheep2 will tank Sheep 4 when he comes running at the group.


This will leave 2 healers and domo up.



Slight variation, however I feel we need to drop as many as we can together as soon as Sheep no longer works. Yes, its confusing as hell to read and a bit complex looking at the strat as a whole, but each individuals part is well defined.


Then again this could be exactly what Gryph said and I didn't comprehend it the same.

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I talked to a friend in a guild that regularly beats Domo and he says they use the 20% idea that has been proposed here and they have 2 tanks on Domo... one tanking him and one standing "inside" Domo. When he teleports someone it is always the person closest to him, from what I understand. So in this strategy, he ports the tank that is standing inside him and the other tank is left to keep aggro. This keeps Domo from running all over the damn place.

They also use 6-7 mages. One for each priest and one for a backup, I would assume in case a sheep is resisted? The other two are used for heavy damage.

The Elites are tanked about where the ramp up to lvls to the Domo platform similar to the Sulphuron fight. This part I am not too sure about but the rest seem to make sense.



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It is very similar to what I said, thats for sure. I'm willing to try anything, I've never dropped Domo myself so I'm open to all options.

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ROFL awesome thread derailment Heil


Back on topic though :wink:

Seriously though, was the only trouble during domo healing, or were there other issues that needed to be examined too.


From my point of view, I think the number one problem yesterday was with heals, and for three reasons.


First is that most of us have never done a fight that is as excruciatingly long as this and with the added bonus of multiple adds. This is a whole new type of fight for us and we have to practice a great amount of mana conservation in it.


Secondly is the fact that too many people were taking unnecessary damage. Meaning, we had people taking damage from multiple adds at once, when these adds should be far enough apart so that doesn’t happen. Now I’m no warrior, so I couldn’t tell anything about our guys keeping agro, so I’m just going to chalk this one up to ignorance on our part. I for one had no idea where the OT’s where suppose to take these guys and hold them while we killed one at a time. I’m assuming others where in the same boat and blindfolded. So basically, we didn’t know where NOT to stand.


Third reason, BANDAGING. Not enough people do this. Every dps class needs to be bandaging themselves. Healers are not and can not take our primary focus off tanks and other healers. If they die we’re all fubard. They’re our priority. Bandage yourself if you can. End of story.


So, one thing that will help is making sure everyone’s informed on where the OT’s are going and where the one add that’s being attacked needs to be so that we don’t take damage from more than one add. Other thing is healing rotations and assignments; enough has been posted on that on the other thread. Lastly, please oh please oh please God make people bandage /cry



Oh, and yes, Druids ftw. I want a 40 druid MC run after the patch.

I was already going to do a 5 man druid only run. But hey, a 40 man raid is even better

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I think its more or less the same as your Gryph but with more detail ont he job of each warrior.


And if Domo always ports the closest person, we definately need to plant a person 'in' him. What if we used a hunter? Then they could stand inside him and still DPS the MA target.



EDIT: I agree with Hykos, we need to try and setup the Domo fight in a way in which everyone knows whats going on.

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The "put someone inside of Domo" strat. sounds good. We should at least try it if it works for others. It would be awesome if we can find a way to keep Domo in one spot!


BTW, is the teleport on a specific time interval?

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