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Hey Folks..


This post is for anyone that HASN'T finished getting their Onyxia Keys.. Please post beneath mine stating how far you are in getting the key.. The mission your on will suffice.. If you don't know where the chain starts and your 60.. Ping me in game and I'll you on your way.


As well, I'm going to help all those without a key to get it.. so please respond to this post with the Character name and how far you are in the quest line..


Thank you very much..



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My alt Cinn needs to do jailbreak. Although not in the guild yet she will be once enough peeps have moved on from aeternum. Just message Cinn or readyakira at anytime and I will go if at all possible. I am very familiar with the instance as I spent over a month running aeternum members thru there when I was still with them. Of course if absolutly nessecary I could possibly be convinced to take my lock tongue.gif

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My "main" Soulstorm is on jailbreak. I am mostly not playing him now since I am very frustrated with mages and the recent lack of AV. Most likely ill be playing my hunter, named AMN 35 atm or my lock Demonologist 54.


If I am on with either character, and you are going to do a jailbreak, let me know, ill get soulstorm on and complete that part of the quest.

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