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so who wants to post what dropped for those who werent there

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I'll post it when I get home unless someone beats me to it.


We got 12 purples last night, what a haul!!

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yeah! and not one druid item sad.gif


okay well there was one but druids weren't allowed to roll on it smile.gif

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you were allowed to roll on the mace tongue.gif

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I wouldn't have taken it, I want Finkle's Lava Dredger


well.. now that I'll probably be feral, I'm not sure what weapon i'll want most =(

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Fellheart, Lawbringer, Gianstalkers


i forget which parts


the aurastone hammer dropped.


i got the hand of lucifron and gehennas, i dual wield them

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Felheart gloves - Thornblade

Arcanist boots - Esteban

Felheart pants - Sonnyb

Giantstalker leggings - Miz

Aged Core Leather Gloves - NomadX

Gianstalker boots - Elfira

Nightslayer cover - Alyn

Lawbringer helm - Whitehead

Aurastone hammer - Willas

Lawbringer belt -

Gianstalker bracers -


I also like knowing what dropped and who got what so ill start keeping track on a piece of paper instead of relying on my brain.

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