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At some point every woman in a relationship wants to spend "quality" time together, which involves watching a movie or sitting on a couch and watching "your" show together. ( For some reason this always requires a girly movie, or girly show, if it's an action movie or a gross comedy it's not "quality" time together)


I'm going to admit something, which all men go through, and most would not admit it. Sometimes these "quality" moments force you to watch something you would never consider remotely interesting.... but turns into something you enjoy.


Ill now get into the true meaning of this post.... My wife started watching Glee a couple weeks back ( Thanks Netflix) and that became our "quality" time together. I expected it to be an overly serious drama, with some singing. So no interest at all in it. But after watching it , I actually liked some of the characters, and they did a good job on the songs they sang and their selection.


But then it happened... an episode that hooks you.


If you're man enough, check out what I'm talking about.



Seriously, Gwyneth Paltrow makes me wish I was back in Highschool with her as my teacher, I'd stay for as much detention as I could possibly get my hands on. Oh yea, the songs pretty good too.

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I totally dug Glee when it came out. That seemed to fade over time. I


Is anyone else bored with the way the second season sputtered out?


(By the way... I agree... Paltrow was HOT)

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We are still waiting on the next disk, so I've only seen up to that episode or so , so far. I think the first season was better, even though it's obvious they had more money for production and such with the second season. Just seems like instead of a small outcast group doing small productions, it's a small outcast group doing productions like they have unlimited funds.


I like that they are touching upon the bullying/anti-gay subject, but I'd rather they touch upon it a little bit every episode to every couple, with maybe a full episode on it later on in the season.

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Yeah, its a good subject to shine the light on. In real life, a lot of the kids dealing with bullying and difficulty with their sexuality have problems that last years. Their issues don't get resolved in 48 minutes minutes of TV time. In that respect... the stretching out storyline is very real... Unfortunately, as a TV viewer, I get bored of the character's problems after one episode. Especially if it is a problem I don't identify with much.

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For those of us who understand - I did not expect to enjoy Glee, but do.

For those who do not understand - Gwyneth Paltrow is hot in a short skirt while playing a teacher /fantasy on.

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Oh crap, I forgot we don't have real conversations on here. What I meant to post was:



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I really enjoy Glee too, but yeah I am with you about the homo part. I really enjoyed a few episodes on the matter, but nearly all of them are in some way gay related. They need to chillax a bit.



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DL, I can definitely relate to your post, it was exactly the same between my wife and I. I'm now a Gleek. Just one of may caps that I wear behind closed doors that would shame me in public.

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My 'quality time' with Amy consists of fencing, archery and seeing who's horse is faster...I think I'm more emo than she is :unsure5:

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