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I've finished watching it through for the second time since my son wanted to watch some of it again.


Who has not seen this? If you've missed it, you really need to watch it, check out netflix, they have it on instant watch.


Avatar will start of looking like more of a kids cartoon, but it builds on itself over and over again. While it keeps things easy for the younger viewers , there's a vast amount of depth to it. From the characters to their reasons to doing certain actions.


To put it in perspective , my top anime's are


-Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

-Avatar the Last Airbender

-Full Metal Alchemist.


Since it's more oriented towards a younger audience there's not very much death, but that fits the main character extremely well, as it's just not the way he was taught. He's a free-spirited young boy , who's had the weight of the world put on his shoulders. I know this sounds pretty much like EVERY since anime out there, but the ways he deals with all of it. Even the combat is excellent, not to overly flashy, but not zoomed in and super fast so you wonder what just happened.


My two favorite characters are Toph, and Uncle Iroh. Some of the best jokes are made by Toph, and they only work because she's blind, if anyone else had tried them I think I might have been offended.

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Is was aired on Nickolodeon, and Netflix has it listed as for the age group 8-10, plus I think it's perceived as more of a kids show.

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It's all about Voltron.



Is was aired on Nickolodeon, and Netflix has it listed as for the age group 8-10, plus I think it's perceived as more of a kids show.

I always thought it was, but I may give it the ol' Netflix go, DL! Man, I watched Macross Plus the other day for the first time in probably ten years. I forgot how awesomely awesome it was!


I haven't harnessed my inner anime geek since college, and I'm thinking about picking up a new series or two. And since this is our new-old-Facebook again, give me suggestions!



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Avatar the Last Airbender

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood


Those are my strongest suggestions.

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Gurrenn Lagann- The manliest anime to ever exist! Pierce the heavens with your drill!

I haven't seen Macross Plus, but I do have the entire original Robotech!

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Sweet, thanks!


Korn, Gurrenn Laggann has been on my watch list for years, now. I downloaded it when it was released in Japan, 'cause I loved Furi Kuri (FLCL) -- also Gainax -- and just never watched all of it! =(


But your homework, sir, is Macross Plus. Classic stuff.

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It's all on Hulu and Netflix, and the english dub is pretty good. I also just wrapped up re-watching Soul Eater. It's a Funimation series, and while the english dub is weird at first, also a pretty good show. My everything-japan-loving girlfriend says it has all the hallmarks of a good anime. I just like it for the fights and the more adult leaning :)

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But your homework, sir, is Macross Plus. Classic stuff.



I remember writing a paper about the Macross Plus' love triangle when I was in the 10th grade. Was really stoked about it, too. Finally! Homework relating to something I liked!







B- : Teacher didn't "get" it.

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I remember writing a paper about the Macross Plus' love triangle when I was in the 10th grade. Was really stoked about it, too. Finally! Homework relating to something I liked!


B- : Teacher didn't "get" it.

Awesomeness! Booo to teachers that don't get it.


And speaking of not getting it...I never really got into Full Metal Alchemist...Just seemed kinda hokey to me...Guess I didn't 'get' it.


Macross, Robotech, Akira, Ghost in the Shell. These are things I can get behind!


There were a few more I remember, but it's been ages.


Definitely gonna check out Gurrenn Lagann when I have time.

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