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It's p90x time!! I'm gonna dedicate the next three months to this.


Does anyone have any experience with it? tried it? loved it? hated it? The results pretty much speak for themselves. I'm pretty excited.


If i can do half of what i see other people do, im gonna be flying around the rink messing up these 40 year olds LOL gogo KPSkates!!!

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Do it up KP, I'm currently on Insanity week 3, :D

Keep at it man, it really does work.


Make sure you get the eating habits early, they help a TONNNNNNNNNNN


Good luck!

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Do before and after pics. Q and Hv used to post their workout results.


Was that the avatar of that dude's torso?? Loofa i think? that dude was cut, whoever was in that picture. Anyhow, yeah I def will do before and afters.. those you

tube videos of people's before and afters are damn good.


and yeah Chozo, I'm gonna go hardcore on this. I'm not having as much fun playing ice hockey cuz it's busting my ass and not enjoying it. Plus the overall health thing and i wanna lose 20 lbs or so.


I'm pretty psyched. i bought the pull up bar, resistance cables, push-up handles and the mat for floor exercises. I got em separately on amazon and saved some money rather than buying the bundle from beachbody directly.


As far as the diet they recommend, I'm not super strict about it(yet), but after months of research and speaking with nutritionists, I'm adopting a more vegetarian diet. So i'm going to substitute some of the meats I'm assuming they want you to eat for protein, for more healthy veggie choices. (calorie for calorie broccoli has a good deal more protein than tbone steak - u just have to eat a bunch more of it)


anyhow, i'll let ya know how it goes..


and chozo did you start with power90? or p90x first then go insanity? im in decent shape so i just went for p90x.


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