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Hey all,




There is a new contest on the Virgin 98.5 radio station and a close friend/ family member of mine has entered the contest. This contest is all about smiles! If you have a less then perfect smile and you need help getting it fixed then you can enter. Amanda is embarrassed by her smile... My wish for her is that she will get enough votes to win this contest with flying colors and they can fix her teeth (for medical and cosmetic reasons). Everyone should be able to smile with confidence and with your vote Amanda will be able to do that. Help put a smile on her face, give her the boost she needs to be able to look in the mirror and see the beautiful person we see.




Please take a minute and vote for her!




You can click the link (posted on my wall) and browse the names/pictures for AMANDA MCKNIGHT in the contest section. Click on her name.There will be a bar that ranges from 1-10 (1 being they do not need to win and 10 being the definitely need help with their teeth). Preferably you will click the 10, then click vote. It should say thank you for your vote just above the bar.




On Feb 14 we will find out if she wins. I will keep everyone posted!!!




Thank you sooooooo much to everyone who votes, much love to you!




If the link wont work when clicking it you can copy and paste the link below in your browsing bar.





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"I gave her a 10...... a effin 10......."


For some reason that came out sounding like Billy Bob's character from Varsity Blues.


Here's to hoping she wins Aliesha.



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and.. done! 10 it is. :)

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