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If you do get one, make sure to get a 360, as the ps3 has no gaems.

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MGS4 looked great, but this mechanic alone looks incredible to me. Plus when MGS4 came out, the PS3 was still overly priced, and I have no idea if it came out on the 360. You're right though that MGS2 did have sword action, but it was childs play compared to how this looks. Ill save my final judgment for when the game actually comes out though.


The main reason I'd really get a PS3 though, is to download the classic content, the FF's , Tactics, and a dozen or so other games ( some of which aren't out on it yet) , so getting a newer game to play on it wouldn't hurt the cause.

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Ninja Power! And Ps3 has mo' games than 360, but thats not saying much. This generation of consoles was stillborn.

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I chose a PS3 because of the BluRay Factor. I bought my Original PS2 because of the DVD factor. My PS3 does so much more then I could of hoped for, not only do I get great looking High Def games on it, but I also get to watch/stream movies that I have dl'd to it. As well as get the full advantage of my 1080P television from it. Yes I know the lineup isn't all that great on it. But when I have seen games that were on both consoles, I still see quite a diff between the graphics on the 360 vs. the PS3. Just inputtin my .02. S

Edited by Shean

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a ps3 for blu ray alone is enough ... its the best on the market. o and there are a few games.

Edited by Beerme

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