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Hey there!


We have something like 40$ left in the pay pal and rent is due!


The hosting site just charged 120 dollars for the year on our personal credit card and while we're more than happy to pay our share, it defaulted to our credit card because the PayPal is low.


Please hit the link below to donate what you can. 5$, 10$, 10,000$ so we can keep the lights on!


All you peeps who use Vent, this is for you too!


Click below:


http://forgottenprophets.com - (portal page) on the upper right side you'll see a button that says "PayPal - Donate" on it. Click there.


Thanks guys!

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I clicked the link and it called me a Fatal Failure .


very rude imo.


btw i just paypal'd 8 billion dollars. kthx. FP should be incorporated as a non profit so I can write this off on my taxes since it's a donation. lawl :idea:



Edit: Think about contributing $1 every month. $12 a year from everyone and not only can we keep the lights on but we can replace them with compact fluorescents and be a green guild. yay!



Edited by Killerpriest

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Should be having alot more coming in Guys. Just let me know how we do.


Thanks too all Fp young and old who are helping out with this. I am so proud :D

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Posted in the other thread by S.Sauce, but here is the figures:


We received seven donations so far:










which will more than cover the year - amazing.


Thanks for having that meeting or whatever you did cause that set us up for a bit! What'd you do/say exactly!?


So to you seven people, thanks again.


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