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Ok guys this is the post where you discuss your raiding times. Make sure you use the server time and not Bangladesh time or wherever you may live.


Here's a quick lil format thingy you can copy and paste to put in your hours. Feel free to use AM/PM or Military time, either way as far as Shiki is concerned it dont make no nevermind.


Feel free to add notes such as:


Wednesdays: 4:00pm - 11:00pm (unless there is a full moon out, then I can't raid)


I expect to hear back from each and every one of you with a raider Tag, if i dont you will get a nasty-gram from me in the mail.




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Well i am pretty much open to anytime. It just has to coincide with everyone else. I like to plan my other nights to spend with the family and wife and have some time with them as well. I do not work, I do not go to school, so I am here for you all whenever you need me. S



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Friday or Saturday - Most likely Anytime

Edited by Shamanet

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I'm primarily available to raid on:






I'm generally available as a replacement from 9:30/10pm for the rest of the week.

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Ok guys this is the post where you discuss your raiding times. Make sure you use the server time and not Bangladesh time or wherever you may live.



It's funny you mentioned that. I always thought about moving to Bangladesh, but google maps will not give me directions. :)


Seriously, I am able to adjust my schedule to whenever we decide we are raiding provided I have a general idea of when it will be.



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any day except Monday and Wednesday until May 14th. and then i'll have some break (meaning anyday!) and my work schedule will change b4 or right after June.

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Until I get out of this god-awful shiftwork job, it will sometimes conflict with raiding no matter what night we choose. I do have some flexibility (i.e. I can say no, I'm not working this Tuesday), but of course that has the downside of not getting paid. There's always a catch!


Ball has started, and by next week it will be on to regular Mondays and Thursdays, with occastional Tues/Weds/Fris. Most games I can get home 8:30ish though, if I need to, but some of the Mon/Thurs games are late.


So long story short, Sat and Sun are the best nights for me, Tue, Wed and Fri are high-percentage nights, and Mon and Thurs are probably 50% ish. Until I get out of this god-awful shiftwork job. Did I mention that already? O_o

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Since I'm doing Finals as we speak (good timing for me to not have a reliable computer) I'm going to be very free- I'll be taking summer course for credit, which means I'll blow through them and have all sorts of time :) Yay, still being in school! I dun wanna grow up!


P.S. What sort of nasty-gram? Now I'm curious

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I work 9 30-5 most days so as long as we start after I'm good, whatever day works best will be fine I'll just plan other things on offnights. Oh yea friday evenings sometimes dont work out.


PS can I get a nasty-gram anyways? Sounds hot

Edited by Adramelach

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Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 6:30 to 9:30. Thursday from 8:00 to 9:30 so maybe you can combine my availability with someone available only at 9:30.

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WELL THEN, i was really hoping to get a nasty gram in the mail thats why i waited a couple days but i guess it was just an open promise :( /cry


Im down for any raid times monday through friday 20:00 to 00:01


Except the second tuesdays of every fourth week during the third new moon of the year on leap year.


I sincerely hope this helps you configure our new raid times.

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Tuesdays I am definitly able to be there... (Sorry work, I'm unavailable then... I have.... things... to.... do.... =P ) Other nights its more a matter of the week because working retail my work schedule can drastically change from week to week... But if we have a set schedule I can try my best to even if not show up every time, try to make at least some of them...

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Once I'm done with school at the end of May I'll probably be available for raiding a few nights a week again. I don't know what my work schedule will be but I will make an effort to get on. I miss you guys! I'd like to jump back on the ol' raid wagon again. Just thought I'd say that.

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Got an update: Tuesday and Thursdays aren't going to work for me much longer. I'm going to try and be on, but no promises. Definitely want to keep raiding though!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can pretty much keep doing the Tuesday/Thursday thing but whatever days work better for you guys, I'll see what I can do. :) Compromising is a beautiful thing...when it works d^_^b

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Since I'm gonna start raiding again with ya'll over the summer, I'm free anyday except friday and saturday, for normal raid times, 8-12 or w/e.

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  • 2 months later...

bumping this thread so we can get some more organization for the 2nd day of raiding. As in the original by shiki, please use server time, and keep in mind that for many people, the summer is almost over, so schedules are about to change.


I'm free pretty much every night of the week, at least until school starts August 21. Till then, I have no life but WoW

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I enjoy our Tuesday raids. As far as the rest of the week, I do a 10 man on Friday's, other then that I am open to any night. I do like the idea of doing something on the weekends though so I can get some of my alts into other raids for what it is worth.



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