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Goodbye Everyone


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As some of you may know I have been asked to leave the guild. This is because of remarks that I made while applying to other guilds that were somewhat slanderous to our leaders. I accept that I have made a mistake here and will have to deal with it, but i'm a big boy and oh well. There are a couple things that I would like ot say, and I hope I can keep it positive enough for the post to not get taken down. I would like to say that FP is by far the friendliest guild that I have ever been a part of, there are nicer people here than I thought even existed in the WoW world. I have made several friends and I think a few of them will stick with me for years to come in the WoW world. Proior to tuesday I have always had the mentality that I owe no guild anything because that is the way guilds have always treated me. The guild meeting on tuesday opened my eyes ot the fact that FP really is a F&F guild that is member orientated. That meating and discussion would never happen in any other guild. I guess this realization came a little late because while applying to Vindictive I wrote "The main reason that I am seeking to leave my current guild is that we have yet to down Professor Putracide due to poor leadership and a lack of raid awareness." the lack of raid awareness is the truth plain and simple and I think few people will argue that point. As far as "poor leadership" is concerned I did not mean this as a direct insult to or leaders, they are very dedicated to the guild and do their best to research and figure out what can be done to progress the guild. What I did mean by this statment (and this is the source of the morale problem in my opinion) is that Serenitty has a demeaning attitude and has a tendancy to put members down during raiding. I can remember several occasions where I had to get up from my computer rather than get angry with situations. I know that this feeling is shared by several current and former members. As I said before I was clearly in the wrong and will have to accept the reprocussions of my actions I would only hope that I can bring some of the tension in the guild to light and help you guys to move forward. Although I did have desire to leave the guild a couple weeks ago the meeting greatly increased my morale and I was willing to stick it out a bit longer due to the loyalty shown by the learership. I was quite upset when asked to leave I even shed a few tears (yea i know i'm a girly man). This whole thing has destroyed my desire to raid and I will probably be taking some time off from WoW as I have realized that I am way too involved in it. Again I hope that I have kept this "clean" enough to remain posted as I would like to say goodbye to you all. I have had a great time playing with all of you and wish you all the best of luck IRL and in WoW.



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I don't know you but it is good to hear new people say FP was a great home. That's good to hear.


As to the leadership concerns, I got nothing but I am glad you feel you can post here and maybe the current leaders will take it and do what they can to adjust it, if they feel it's a problem.


PS What meeting!

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I agree with you on some things, but when filling out an application try your hardest not to degrade your current guild being that they did give you the time of day. Any guild from now on will never ever feel like home to you like FP was. I cried when I left too. I think I take this game way to seriously. I'm in Shadow of the Sun now and it feels so weird signing on and not seeing Toe talking about gnomes or Mandi being fresh with me. I'm surrounded by a bunch of people who mean nothing to me, but sometimes its good to fly away from your nest here and there. I just posted an application to Vindictive as well, I know people in there so hopefully I'll fit in a bit more. As for feeling like Aliesha puts you down, try to remember shes under a lot of pressure and even as a leader you slip up. I'm pretty sure she'll excuse herself for her attitude if she feels the need too, I hope you and Amore find yourselves a good guild because any good that takes you guys will definitely be taking 2 very amazing players. Love you guys like family and I wish you the best of luck.



Edited by Reneesmae

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Stompy I am Sorry to see you go. As I said yesterday it hurt that you felt you had to app to 5 otehr guilds and speak unkindly abut your current guild. Very simply it could have been a misunderstanding and I try very hard to keep too many people happy and content. I am super confused though how I am demeaning and insulting to anyone in our raids. I mean I don't call people out even when I know who it is. I try to keep our raids light and freindly. And I try and make sure everyone is treating eachother with respect. Please explain to me what I do that is demaning to anyone? not so that I can say bull but so i might understand and correct it.


TBH everyone has personality flaws and I am by far no exception, all I have ever asked of anyone is that you point it out, so that I can try and remedy it. To me progression doesnt matter but making sure our raiders are seeing the content does. Keeping the guild happy and wanting to work together has always been my goal.


I wish you the best of luck. You are by no means banned from FP. I want you to make your own choices and not feel pressured to stay somewhere you are unhappy. And by reading a few of your Apps to other guilds I feel that you may have been unhappy. Feel free to talk to me anytime if im wrong :(

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This is complete garbage.


Saying that Aliesha has a demeaning attitude in the raid is 100% UNTRUE.


I've been raiding in MMO's for over 10 years and I'm sorry to burst your bubble but if you want to be in a guild that actually WANTS to kill things, it's necessary for the leadership to step up and call people out for doing bad things in raids. You learn from your mistakes. Plain and simple. If you do things wrong very often, you need to be told.


To be honest with you, the past 2 months or so that I've been raiding with FP, I can't think of any time that ANYONE has been called out or put down in any way for doing something wrong in raids. Aside from Maybe one time when certain people didn't want to flask. Saying that this guild has poor leadership..... well..... I'll let you find out for yourself how other guilds can be. The leaders and officers in FP do more for the people in this guild than any guild I've ever seen.


I don't even know what I'm trying to say here, I wish you luck wherever you go. Hopefully you find somewhere that better suits you and your play style. Have fun.



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Hey Stompy


Throughout my long history of being in guilds, and applying to others, I can fully understand the feeling of obtaining an attachment to certain individuals, and the guild itself. It does indeed hurt, but it may be for the better, or for the worst. I had left my last guild due to individuals not putting their best foot forward and trying their hardest. I had tried to stick with them, but it was truly unbearable and I had felt like I was smashing my head against a brick wall every night, 3 days a week, for 4 hours a day. With the main point here, you need to seek happiness in this game and find where you belong. Whether it be with other individuals who are interested in the same things as you, or whether they are competitive raiders that enjoy clearing contents and being one of top guilds on the server.


With what was said about Serenitty, I have never seen her do any of that. I think it's really kind of crappy when one talks poorly about others in the attempt to give a valid reason why they had left another guild. Even though you had applied to many other guilds, you did not need to raise your opinion that she had a "demeaning attitude and has a tendency to put members down during raiding" because it affects more then just yourself. When you call someone out in a public area, you cause a large amount of animosity.


With applying to a guild, it's alright to say you didn't fit in with some things, or that you had a disagreement with some individuals, but when you call people out directly, it creates a problem.


I really don't know you that well Stompy, but I think it was just rather poor of you to negatively speak about Serenitty to different guilds.


Overall, I wish you the best with your future endeavors, Stompy.




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What I did mean by this statment (and this is the source of the morale problem in my opinion) is that Serenitty has a demeaning attitude and has a tendancy to put members down during raiding.


queue any of many of Axiom's Rolo Rants. :devil:


I know that sometimes constructive criticism may not seem like it, and there were times that aleisha has said things about some gear on my toons that could have been taken the wrong way. But this is FP and I know she means well. so no sweat. <3


Anyhow, I love this guild and it sounds like you did too, I'm sorry it didn't work out better for you. I was in Fp for a while, then Axiom got a battle rez, so i left, but now i'm back home in FP.


So you never know what the future holds, maybe see ya around. Don't get discouraged, if you aren't feeling raiding, go level an alt, go play horde on a diff server. have fun dude. best of luck in game and irl.

Edited by Killerpriest

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I am sorry if i was misconstrued as slamming Serenitty. She is by far one of the gentilest guild leaders that I have ever had the experience of playing with. Many will just call out names and drop the hammer on ppl that are not preforming up to par. The only reason that I have seen a problem is that rather than being forward with the critisism and calling out names which is what needs to happen imo, underhanded comments are made that have similar effects which is what I was refering to. It is definatley a much more relaxed atmosphere but I would rather be told what needs to happen or what the problem is than have things be said that can be misinterpreted. To set the record straight I applied to 3 guilds to my knowledge and olny made one remark that was a slip of the tounge I am sorry it was after pretty much being told that I didn't know how to tank. I do not want this to be a bitter spiteful forum, I was trying to answer the questions raised by the leadership now that I have no fear of reprocussions.



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Well Stompy Id liek to know who eever told you you didnt know how to tank. I was always really impressed with your tanking and can honestly say that having you by my side during rot face slime chasing will be missed :(


As i said I wish you the best and I truly hope you find what makes you happy. Once FP always FP ..Remeber that <3

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Welllll...seeing as i usually am the quite one i get to say my piece right. I think that asking us (well maybe not us directly) to leave was a little extensive. Thorughout the whole coversation between the 4 of you that i was privie to no one i mean NO ONE asked stompy why. The comment wasn't slander or anything it was a comment about "poor" leader ship which isn't necessarily a horribal thing. First, I will explain y stompy was upset. It was last weeks raid when serenitty needed to heal on her shammy. Well there were other healers availiable ie stompy's shammy, hunts druid( hunt was hinting very strongly he wanted to heal) Serenitty the stongest tank in the guild insisted she needed to heal. Everyone does things a little bit differently but through the entire raid little comments of "this is y i don't pull like this" or "we need a strong tank" stupid little comments you want to talk about a slap in the face? There were a few other comments that i can not remember word for word but it upset him greatly. ( It may have been his time of month idk ) but he was upset, those underhanded comments rather than laying the smack down in public or extending a helping hand isn't possitive. Yelling at people or helping are where u WANT to be but in the midst of whiping a few times frustration happens and stupid things are said. Stompy didn't want to start an argument or anything like that so he decided to apply else where over the weekend. I didn't really want to leave FP but he is my hubby and where he goes i go (usually).


Now this brings us up to what happened after the applications. We talked we decieded to stay due to the meeting that was had on tuesday. The guild meeting was an excelent idea and u should continue having them they will keep your moral up. I am very upset that it came to this but as much as what stompy did wasn't "right" in your eyes (he didn't want to single anyone out so he generalized the statement) There wasn't a strong scence of leadership. I think you guys are all great but that meeting was the first time that i really saw "great" leadership. As far as Dulcina's comments yea you have to deal with people telling you what to do but the underhanded condecending comments are unwarented.


I know after all the talking that stompy and I did after the weekend our confidence was renewed and he was truely upset that he was asked to leave. I hope that everyone learns soemthing from this whole ordeal i know that stompy did ( he thinks he might be a little oversensitive sometimes) but also try to ask y not just get hurt by a stupid comment and making rash descions. You guys were like a home and i know he really regrets having to leave it.


best wishes to all of you i will REALLY miss u guys!!



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Amore Understand my healing wasent casue I wanted it . Its because the people who said they can heal on alts

1. Still need gear alot more then I do and

2. I only like to ask alts to raid when absolutly nessesary. Sicne they dont get to roll on anything.


The way i think is that Stompy is good enough and I wanted him to know it. And really Me calling stuff out like should pull these this way ect is because I have spent montsh perfecting those pulls to avoid wipes. And its me trying to help. Honestly Stompy has asked to go ret and I told him I needed him as a tank but would let him go ret as often as possible. Until i could relace what he does. I didnt say this because I think Stompy a horrible tank. I said this because Since day one I have been impressed with him and depend on him to be there.


Anyway I just wanted you guys to know. Im not sure why he would ever feel like he can't just speak to me. Tell me whats on his mind. Some peopel dont like help some do but in no way am I ever going to tell you your not good enough. If that was the case FP would have stopped raiding months ago when most leadership retired and the rest of the world said we couldn't go on.







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In my experience with WoW there was never any point to speaking with a GM when you had an issue with them as it always ended up poorly. (this is not the case with FP, somthing that I have learned a little too late.) I also am very timid when it comes to matters such as this and would just assume to let it pass and deal with my problems myself.

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I don't think you understand where i am comming from. You don't need to defend yourself. It was a different makeup and it seemed ppl were a little frustrated. U are the strongest tank, waragle can't stay and we neede 3 tanks so we either use a weaker tank or a weaker healer. It just seems that you need to do it all, it doesn't need to all rest on ur shoulders. you are under a lot of pressure i understand that there is A LOT of work that goes into this and most ppl don't want to bother. You never came out and said that he was a horrible tank no i was just trying to tell u and clerify what he was talking about because he is still trying to generalize and that wouldn't help you out at all. Im sorry if you think that this is a direct assult to you it isn't; he had a bad week and applied to guilds because he didn't feel comfortable talking to you. I just wanted to clear the air since ppl feel that they need to make comments like the ones Dulcina made. I wanted u to understand what the neandrathal cannot express, and to let u know i think it was sort of an over reaction and im entitled to that opinion. Especially since yeah you took him to talk but he's not the kind of person who would even stand up for himself. He didn't name any names, he didn't make any real nasty comments. He was extreamly pissed at u serenitty and he didn't once vent that in his app that would in my opninion been a dismissal. But hey im just a little warlock. Yea you were leading raid and shiki was there since i have been in FP but beyond putting this together and directing ppl there wasn't a real sense of leadership that has only been in the last week where u really shone as a leader. But when your frustrated im getting out the way. (or not i like to poke rabid dogs). Plz don't take my last post as negative it was nothing of the sort. And i don't want this to be a stupid little argument. Its done its over were gone. Have fun and thnx for all the fish.


And to ask a stupid question....How can u even say that were not banned fom the guild? If you feel that it was such an insult that we were booted. I don't know why you would even want to say something like that.


Regardless its been fun.


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Sara I understand completely what your saying and this isnt a arguement merely a calm discussion which is what should have happened before anything else. Very simply I know I can be hard to handle on somedays anyone can and I am not taking this as a personal assualt at all. I was merely confused because when someone says i have a attitude and put down people in raids I am concerned with myself. I try exceptional hard to be exactly not taht kinda person.


As for my comment taht you are not banned from teh guild. Alot of people leave Fp alot of people come back. Alot of people leave under bad terms and talk it our and come back. Alot of people never come back. and some burn thier bridges and are not welcome back. Both of you are loved here and wanted here and I am sorry things went the way they have. People are funny when i comes to dealign with since everyone reacts differently. It was only to say you are still FP in my eyes and no matter where you go I and Im sure several members of FP will be there to back you up on whatever path you choose.

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Well as you know it was not our descision to part ways and we do regret what has transpired. We have no plans to seek out other guilds and continue raiding other than our 10 man group. If you would like us back feel free to get ahold of us, otherwise pc.



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