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OMG! I have been watching that thing for the past 20 minutes just *praying* that 2 more people would sign in!


w00t!! =D

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Finally, this thing has needed to get broken for a while. I was almost temped to have everyone go to it one day right after an MC raid but this is just as good.


Now that we have taken the record down, what did it drop?

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A ha! So Stang isn't the only one not doing anything at work these days! I must resist looking at the forums whilst at work!!


(losing job ftl....buuuut, more time to play wow until account expires from lack of payment FTW!)

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I'm like Garnok. There have been so many times that I wanted to artificially jump the forum number. But WOOT for letting providence run it's course.


I don't know why, it just bugged me for the longest time. It's part of what I look for when I play forumcraft.

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You weirdos! Everyone knows that 4 is the best number out there!


Speak up all you 4 lovers! Don't let the man keep you down!

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cmon, 6 is a PERFECT NUMBER!! for those of you who dont know what that means, its a number where all the factors can be added to each other or mutiplied by each other to make the number!


eg. the factors of 6 are 1, 2 and 3


1+2+3 = 6

1*2*3 = 6!!




the next perfect number is something ridiculous like 45438998165 so 6 is so special!! w00t!

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2 is special as well... looks cooler and sounds better than 6... 6 can be bad if repeated 3 times tongue.gif


as for 4... thats an unlucky number by chinese belief... so uh... becareful man!

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2 is the number for computers so it owns all.


1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 and repeat

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i heard that 3 wtfpwns other numbers all day long. i think it has to do with architechture(sp)

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Well... for those who've read dan brown's da vinci code or study philosphy or maths will have heard of Phi - the divine proportion / the golden number which is 1.618 (3 d.p.)


The 'phinest' number/constant. And.. technically speaking... if it has to be a whole number.. it'd be 2... so hah! We win.


Sorry about the pun. lol.

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