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You may also want to check out Elk's Buff Bars.

Allows you to create multiple anchors which can be assigned either a type (Buff, Debuff, Tracking or Weapon Enchant) or watch a specific list of buffs, such as procs etc.


Hey Shean, does MSBT pick up Hot Streak currently, cause I know there is a Combat Log bug with the spell right now and Grayhoof's SCT keeps missing it!

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Damn Geo for being in tells with all those boys. I thought i was the only one. :cry:

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I think my UI will sadly disappoint everyone. I use standard everything.


My addons:





Omen Threat Meter

Quest Helper


Atlas Loot (when i remember to install it)

Titan Panel (when i remember to install it)


I'm going to give X-Perl a shot tho. Unit frames look nice. and i really like the click casting ability. gonna bind dispell and disease cleanse to it.


Aside from that i PWN blizz's raid interface.. in the face. lol i think im getting carpal tunnel lol

Edited by Killerpriest

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stang. she's that low because she is disc.


Recount doesn't record damage prevented by shields.


So if you use other meters that DO take those into effect she is on par.


But when you are tank healing, and throwing out bubbles recount makes you look bad.


She does fine. :)

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Not so sure about it now because of me switching to Arcane bout 2 months back, but it did pick it up flawlessy when I was raiding as FFB Toby. And like I said with the Procs you can set it up to alert you with a noise when you do get a beneficial proc, I use it for when my DK gets her Rune Strike I kept missing it and getting it on the second or third proc so I set that up so I wouldn't miss it anymore. You would be surprised how much a lil IM ding can bring you out of your rotation so that you can get this other attack in there that is so much extra damage. S

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That was also a fail attempt on Putricide.. we got him the next one but yeahhh.. Everyone that died first was low on everything. We <3 Andrie! She's a bubble throwin' machine! ^.^ also.. I'm not sure why I had healing even up on recount.. it'll come to me eventually.. I have a feeling it's something to do with a holy pally being outhealed by a ret. ><"


Edit: LOUIS! <3 .. I have my max windows set to 9.. during raids I start getting these little 'Max window limit reached' spams in a different window ><" ilu!

Edited by Memphis

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