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Granted its nothing special but I always like checking out other people's addon's UI's so here's mine:


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Us in our 10 man raid. Recount shit right above Omen when I have it open, however I usually leave it closed unless I just want to look at it for a bit. S



Shiki what resolution do you run WoW on. I notice you have a lot of space between your Ab's and the edge of your screen... or is that your Monitor your using?



Edited by Shean

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This was mine, about a year ago. I'm not really sure why I changed it, I think I like this better than my current one. Is it proper enough?




I'll post a current one when I get home from work.


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Here is my latest, screen res is 1900x1200 on my 24" Dell 2407WFP.




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I used to play ff.. it was my fist mmo! I wish they had limit breaks in wow..

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Here's my UI..


Please tell me you heal with Clique, or something like it.

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Please tell me you heal with Clique, or something like it.


healbot.. I just started using it.. Why?

Edited by Beerme

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Here's my UI.


Wish it was showing combat and target and what not, but oh well. maybe i'll take a new one tonight and post that.



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healbot.. I just started using it.. Why?


I don't know what healbot is, but I assumed you used some sort of Clique-esque mod, since you don't seem to have any healing spells bound to keys.

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This is the only one I have that's recent enough to show how it's set up for raids.. and err.. not in cat form yet >.>




I think the only thing that's missing is.. my target.. target of target.. focus.. annnnnnnd.. the badkitty window.


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I've actually been trying to construct a suitable UI now that I'm back in the game and I could use a little help finding some. I need a few so I'll just list what I'm looking for and if ppl could suggest some that would be awesome.


Looking for:


1) One that will do a more thorough job of filtering buffs than the blizz standard, I would only like to see my procs up on the buff bar


2) One I had in tbc, I cannot for the life of me remember the name. But what it did was put a black bar beneath all my stuff on the bottom of the screen, similar to Saffis but much simpler, just a black rectangle pretty much. It helps make things look cleaner in my opinion and would like to get it again.


3) Lastly is one that will help me with my rotation, that can make some kind of announcement when I get a proc. I was thinking something that can put up an icon or something, because I find sometimes I lose track of whether or not I've had a proc. I tried out one suggested to me called scorchio, but for some reason my missile barrage proc does not register or something (even though I did set it to in the options).

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Hey Adra I use Mik's Scrolling Battle Text (MSBT) for my Procs and it was what I replaced Parrot with. It allows you to control all of your scrolling battle text as well as alerts you of your Procs that can happen. It can give you a lil noise (I have mine set up to an IM ding) when any beneficial Proc happens. I also know of a Power Aura's Classic (PAC) that can not only alert you via sound but visual cues as well, I haven't had the time to set that one up properly to alert me for my Procs but I know alot of people use that one too. There is also Satrina and Elkano Buff bars which both allow you to control exactly which buffs show or do not show. But with the MSBT or the PAC will allow you to know exactly when a Proc comes up so you don't have to concentrate on just those buffs. As far as the other one I am not sure which do that for you but knew I could help with the other two so I thought I would chime in on those at least. S

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Thank you I will check those out tmrw since I'm heading soon. On a side note it looks like myrevenge has exactly what I need wtb what that is

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