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There once was a gnome named Toe
Who sat in Dalaran sad and alone.


Along came Aliesha
To show off the true woman she is


Had poor Toe going insane.
So here came Sin


So when pink Gnomes go AFK.....Trust that we'll come out to play <3
Edited by Reneesmae

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Hahaha this is amazing

I have a poem too



Plumbers are red


Hedgehogs are blue


Press start to join,


and be my player 2

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LMFAO..... that is too funny... and Aliesha I thought Seren was the only toon you allowed anyone to see naked. S

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LMFAO..... that is too funny... and Aliesha I thought Seren was the only toon you allowed anyone to see naked. S



Lol Shean, Seren is the toon you people dance naked on!! When have you ever seen her naked. I mean even her Birthday suit Consists of being fully clothed..... Sorta <3

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