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Ceridia makes most of them. How to get him to make one I don't know. I'd kill a dorf for one though.

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Ok well Hopefully Ceridia will see this and maybewill make one for me but if theres anyone else that can do it plz post something on how or to help, thanks hykos CARIDIA PLEASE READ


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Easy, I did the newest one m'self actually.


Here are the steps:


1.) Pirate Photoshop with your favorate utillity.

2.) Take a bunch of screenshots of yourself in various lighting enviornments, and gear. I took about 25.

3.) Open the files in Photoshop.

4.) Narrow down to one picture.

5.) Use the square select tool to pick out youself in the shot.

6.) Paste into a new file, which should make it a new layer.

7.) Set the background to black for easier refrence.

8.) Erase everything around your pic, in layer 1. Use bigger eraser brushes, then narrow it down.

9.) Repeat steps 5-7, making sure to sellect appropriate dimenstions for the sig this time around, I use 800X400 or so, then resize after I'm done.

10.) Put in a rectangle at the bottom.

11.) Move your pic to the best position.

12.) Go crazy, put in new brushstrokes, add smoke, text, etc.

13.) Upload, put in profile.


I reccomend alloting a few hours to the first time you do it, as you'll need to do alot of learning before making a good sig. The current sig you're seeing is my 4th in Photoshop. I still need to learn how to do a butload of stuffs. wink.gif


Good luck!

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ok well i have a mac so it my be different and the screen shot thing is wierd for me but im kinda confused by that but i can have MIZ help me hes better with comps and what do you mean by sigs or is that a banner bcs i would probly have someoen do it for me lol

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