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So we were REEEEEEEALLY bored on Saturday night...

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Saturday night, Rocked, Garnok, and I got bored. Sooo... these screenshots are the result of our handiwork. smile.gif


We decided to train an unkillable mob from the Blasted Lands to IF. Yes, from BL to IF! It was a LONG RUN, but we did it. Rocked and I chain mind-controlled it, while Garnok put down freezing traps and killed all the baddies along the way. LOTS of screenies, and some you'll have to read the chat logs... but they're hilarious. smile.gif


It was pretty awesome just watching everyone in IF beat on this mob, and it never die. Apparently, Sumic said it was still there Sunday morning when he logged in! Anywho, it was a good time.


http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/2361/0014nz.th.jpghttp://img271.imageshack.us/img271/9751/0025co.th.jpghttp://img271.imageshack.us/img271/2735/0034kc.th.jpghttp://img271.imageshack.us/img271/2918/0044gy.th.jpghttp://img135.imageshack.us/img135/6052/0059ef.th.jpghttp://img135.imageshack.us/img135/2561/0067se.th.jpghttp://img344.imageshack.us/img344/6831/0070yk.th.jpghttp://img344.imageshack.us/img344/3954/0087cn.th.jpghttp://img344.imageshack.us/img344/9152/0090ot.th.jpghttp://img142.imageshack.us/img142/6757/0100ef.th.jpghttp://img290.imageshack.us/img290/3784/0111ag.th.jpghttp://img290.imageshack.us/img290/3499/0124oc.th.jpghttp://img290.imageshack.us/img290/4399/0131rc.th.jpghttp://img115.imageshack.us/img115/4829/0144ob.th.jpghttp://img115.imageshack.us/img115/5315/0157gt.th.jpg http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/2711/0162rj.th.jpghttp://img115.imageshack.us/img115/8817/0172no.th.jpghttp://img351.imageshack.us/img351/5517/0186oq.th.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/3100/0197oi.th.jpghttp://img319.imageshack.us/img319/9577/0210ut.th.jpg



More screenies from Garnok to come soon!

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Took a couple hours. We trained this guy through:


Blasted Lands

Swamp of Sorrows

Deadwind Pass



Burning Steppes

Blackrock Mountain

Searing Gorge

Loch Modan

Dun Morogh

and finally, to Ironforge smile.gif

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roflmao I love doing things like this. I was bored a few weeks back and trained a dragon from the caverns of time to Gadget. lvl 40's scattered like crazy, but the damn gaurds killed it pretty quick /cry.


I wish I was on saturday. I woulda loved to help.

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It works very well with a mage since they can poly it to regain full health quickly...heh

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Or say a Hunter with a Freezing Trap



Traps FTW wink.gif

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