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Ok so last friday it was 33 C here which for all the Americans that converts to 89.6 F So this Thursday its now minus 10C (14C). Snowing and cars are piling up due to Icy driving condtions. So Id Just like to say I wish everyone a Happy thanksgiving weekend (Canada of course) LOL


I hope the east side isnt as Crappy as alberta is today <3 but hey they said it might only be -2 this weekend.


And they call this Fall :(

Edited by Myrevenge

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Happy Thanksgiving all.


I feel your pain, but its still a nice 18 C here in Toronto.

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Not to rub anything in Aliesha or any of our other Canadian guildies but it's been in the 80's most of this week. Although I would love for it to be like it was last week with the high in the 70's and the nights in the 40-50's. S

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This is probably the #1 reason I don't move to Canada...I've got dual citizenship, and free healthcare/more jobs sounds great...But I've also got a lifetime of California weather in my blood...Brrr...

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This is probably the #1 reason I don't move to Canada...I've got dual citizenship, and free healthcare/more jobs sounds great...But I've also got a lifetime of California weather in my blood...Brrr...



yeah I woke up this morning to -10 weather and a winter wonderland. roads are crap :( However supposed to be super hot starting thursday. Like break out the shorts and such weather. I really wish mother nature would make up her mind already :(

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