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hahahah you guys are so awesome!


i can't believe garreth shaved his head.

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for the record, I am not one of those crazy fools.


*runs hand through thick head of hair*

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The story is the four of us who are not Tom in that picture all work together. A friend of ours from work is retiring so in tribute to him we all shaved our heads and dressed up like him (he is bald btw). Now as far as Tom goes well hes Tom I can not be held accountable for his actions he is just crazy!!

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Lol, Garreth looks like "I'll shave my head, but I'm not wearing that f***ing shirt."


Seriously though... You guys look like a cult.

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Yah its pretty much impossible to go anywhere in public with more than 2 of us without getting stared at.

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it's impossible for me to go home and not stare at yall. freaks.

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times i wished i lived in d'ville

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I think its awesome and they all look pretty good with the shaved look especially Brian he is rocking it hardcore. BW is just sad that he can't shave because he looks funny.

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Yah its pretty much impossible to go anywhere in public with more than 2 of us without getting stared at.



Probably because they just got all their bullets taken away by Obama and think the underground Nazis are attacking. I know because people give me the same look when I wear a red shirt while working as a blacksmith in a wheat field.

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Words cannot describe the awesomeness I'm feeling right now... In my loins...

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Haha if i remember correctly there was a awesome post of your RH with your head shaved xD

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