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Looking for soeone to make me one of those cool banners

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Hey everyone. I am looking for someone that can make me one of those cool banners with my main charachter on it. They are really neat! Can anyone help me?

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I think a few of the people who make those banners have sort of retired from that craft. I havent seen any new ones made for a long time!

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I've been looking for someone to make one for me also,.. If i ever find anyone, i'll let ya know.

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Depends on the type of banner you'd like.

If you want it completely customised then I suggest you actually head on over to MMO-Champ

They have people there that will gladly make one for you, if you provide the details, but you'll have to be patient.


If you're willing to go more generic then alot of the stat web-sites will allow you to generate your own.


Just a thought. :)

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Gynis made a lot of the ones on these forums, along with Shadrende.


Most of mine are made by Gynis - you don't need to pay for them, just start harassing shadrende and gynis via PM's. =)

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Gynis made a lot of the ones on these forums, along with Shadrende.


Most of mine are made by Gynis - you don't need to pay for them, just start harassing shadrende and gynis via PM's. =)


I'm sure this will be appreciated. lol

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The sig generator in Revenge's link is down at the moment due to WoW maintainance..


i got this one to work at www.zetbit.com


seems pretty cool, although it's the generic. but still decent. i really want a custom one still.

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Since I made my own I can't say if it's true or not...but I hear that Shad will make you one for a chipotle burrito.

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So Avimar this is one I made real fast for my hunter using that sight I posted. and you can use whatever Backdrop and colors. I think they turn out decent enough.





And Serenitty




Lol and Last one My Warrior .. Sorry Bored at work lol



Edited by Myrevenge

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I found a someone who, is she choses can advertise, I don't want to innundate her with requests but....THIS IS BAD ASS! Hel you RULE!

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